schedule.en.produced.ics (78013B)
1 BEGIN:VCALENDAR 2 VERSION:2.0 3 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN 4 PRODID:-//Pentabarf//Schedule//EN 5 BEGIN:VEVENT 6 DURATION:PT1H00M 7 LOCATION:Saal 1 8 SEQUENCE:0 9 URL: 10 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T124500 11 12 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 13 CATEGORIES:Lecture 14 DESCRIPTION:Did you notice 262 42 in your mobile phone network search lis 15 t at the last CCC events? Did you and your friends buy SIM cards at the 16 PoC and help test the network by calling each other\, or by calling thro 17 ugh the bridge to the DECT network services? Did you ever wonder about t 18 he details of this open source test network\, set up by a team of volunt 19 eers in the middle of the city? We would like to tell you all the detail 20 s of the cell phone network we operate at 29C3\, and show you some fancy 21 graphs based on the network activity! 22 SUMMARY:29C3 GSM: Cell phone network review - 262 42 - The full spectrum 23 STATUS:CONFIRMED 24 END:VEVENT 25 BEGIN:VEVENT 26 DURATION:PT1H00M 27 LOCATION:Saal 1 28 SEQUENCE:0 29 URL: 30 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T140000 31 32 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 33 CATEGORIES:Lecture 34 DESCRIPTION:There are hundreds\, if not thousands\, of news articles and 35 blog posts about the BlackHole Exploit Kit. Usually\, each story covers 36 only a very narrow part of the subject matter. This talk will summarize 37 the history of the BlackHole Exploit Kit into one easy to follow story. 38 There will be diagrams and flow-charts for explaining code\, rather than 39 a giant blob of illegible Javascript\, PHP\, or x86 Assembly. 40 SUMMARY:Analytical Summary of the BlackHole Exploit Kit - Almost Everythi 41 ng You Ever Wanted To Know About The BlackHole Exploit Kit stor! 42 STATUS:CONFIRMED 43 END:VEVENT 44 BEGIN:VEVENT 45 DURATION:PT1H00M 46 LOCATION:Saal 6 47 SEQUENCE:0 48 URL: 49 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T160000 50 51 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 52 CATEGORIES:Lecture 53 DESCRIPTION:There's about 100 top-level domains signed with DNSSEC and .n 54 l recently hit 1M second-level domains. At this occasion\, we take a loo 55 k at the goods and the bads of DNSSEC deployment\, including amplificati 56 on attacks\, Zensursula-like DNS redirects\, China DNS injection and NAS 57 A key rollover mistakes. We will find out what DNSCurve and Namecoin pro 58 mise to make better and what Zooko's triangle has all to do with this. 59 SUMMARY:An Overview of Secure Name Resolution - DNSSEC\, DNSCurve and Nam 60 ecoin 61 STATUS:CONFIRMED 62 END:VEVENT 63 BEGIN:VEVENT 64 DURATION:PT1H00M 65 LOCATION:Saal 6 66 SEQUENCE:0 67 URL: 68 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T203000 69 70 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 71 CATEGORIES:Lecture 72 DESCRIPTION:With Visa and Mastercard pushing for EMV ( 73 m\, aka “chip and pin”) rollout in the United States\, the uptake of 74 contactless payment and the use of mobile NFC wallets\, the chipcard se 75 curity community will soon be getting more eyes to analyze the protocols 76 in use with chip and contactless credit card transactions. 77 SUMMARY:A Rambling Walk Through an EMV Transaction 78 STATUS:CONFIRMED 79 END:VEVENT 80 BEGIN:VEVENT 81 DURATION:PT1H00M 82 LOCATION:Saal 1 83 SEQUENCE:0 84 URL: 85 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T113000 86 87 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 88 CATEGORIES:Lecture 89 DESCRIPTION:Verfassungsschutzskandale gibt es nicht erst seit der Entdeck 90 ung des NSU vor einem Jahr. Vorgestellt werden: sie Affaire Traube\, der 91 Schmücker-Prozess\, das Celler Loch\, die Vulkan-Affaire\, der Anschla 92 gsversuch auf das Jüdische Gemeindehaus West-Berlin\, vier Jahrzehnte B 93 eobachtung von Rolf Gössner. Vielleicht sind aber gar nicht die Pannen 94 der Skandal\, sondern vielmehr der ganz gewöhnliche Alltag des Verfassu 95 ngsschutzes. 96 SUMMARY:Best of ... Verfassungsschutz - Der Verfassungsschutz schützt di 97 e Verfassung so wie Zitronenfalter Zitronen falten. Affaire Tra! 98 STATUS:CONFIRMED 99 END:VEVENT 100 BEGIN:VEVENT 101 DURATION:PT2H15M 102 LOCATION:Saal 1 103 SEQUENCE:0 104 URL: 105 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T113000 106 107 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 108 CATEGORIES:Lecture 109 DESCRIPTION:Wir schauen nicht zurück im Zorn\, aber jetzt auch nicht gra 110 de mit Euphorie. Im CCC-Jahresrückblick präsentieren wir Euch einige d 111 er hacktivistischen Themen des vergangenen Jahres\, an denen der CCC gea 112 rbeitet oder sich abgearbeitet hat. Diesmal mit schönen neuen Gesetzen\ 113 , Hacker-Humor\, versäumten Gerichtsterminen\, bunten Blinkenlichtern u 114 nd Iggy Pop. Wir haben uns wirklich das ganze Jahr bemüht\, nur in begr 115 enztem Umfange zu prokrastinieren. 116 SUMMARY:CCC-Jahresrückblick 117 STATUS:CONFIRMED 118 END:VEVENT 119 BEGIN:VEVENT 120 DURATION:PT1H00M 121 LOCATION:Saal 1 122 SEQUENCE:0 123 URL: 124 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T124500 125 126 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 127 CATEGORIES:Lecture 128 DESCRIPTION:Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) has evolved into t 129 he de facto standard for secure web browsing. But in the security commun 130 ity\, it has long been known that HTTPS is fundamentally broken\, and th 131 is has been confirmed by alarming hacks and security breaches at several 132 Certificate Authorities (CAs). To tackle the global collapse of trust i 133 n these central mediators of HTTPS communications and to augment HTTPS s 134 ecurity\, the EU has launched a proposal for strict regulation. Will the 135 se efforts succeed? 136 SUMMARY:Certificate Authority Collapse - Will the EU Succeed in Regulatin 137 g HTTPS? 138 STATUS:CONFIRMED 139 END:VEVENT 140 BEGIN:VEVENT 141 DURATION:PT1H00M 142 LOCATION:Saal 6 143 SEQUENCE:0 144 URL: 145 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T171500 146 147 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 148 CATEGORIES:Lecture 149 DESCRIPTION:Wir brauchen ein maschinenlesbares und -schreibbares Gesetzge 150 bungsverfahren\, in dem jede Änderung transparent diskutiert und beschl 151 ossen wird. Der Bundestag öffnet und digitalisiert sich eher langsam un 152 d widerwillig\, dennoch kann man schon heute anfangen\, die Werkzeuge de 153 r parlamentarischen Zukunft in Deutschland zu gestalten und auszuprobier 154 en. Dazu stellen wir die Projekte und das Bundes-Git 155 vor und zeigen\, wie es in Zukunft weitergehen könnte. 156 SUMMARY:chmod o+rw bundestag - Mehr Transparenz und Teilhabe im Gesetzgeb 157 ungsprozess 158 STATUS:CONFIRMED 159 END:VEVENT 160 BEGIN:VEVENT 161 DURATION:PT1H00M 162 LOCATION:Saal 1 163 SEQUENCE:0 164 URL: 165 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T183000 166 167 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 168 CATEGORIES:Lecture 169 DESCRIPTION:Some facts and stats about Congress\, plus stories and legend 170 s. 171 SUMMARY:Closing Event 172 STATUS:CONFIRMED 173 END:VEVENT 174 BEGIN:VEVENT 175 DURATION:PT1H00M 176 LOCATION:Saal 6 177 SEQUENCE:0 178 URL: 179 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T140000 180 181 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 182 CATEGORIES:Lecture 183 DESCRIPTION:Wir sind Zeugen eines seit einigen Jahren stattfindenden Wett 184 rüstens im Cyberspace. Immer mehr Staaten bauen militärische Cyberware 185 Einheiten auf\, die aus IT Spezialisten bestehen und dem Zweck dienen 186 \, bestenfalls IT Systeme abzusichern oder schlechterdings Systeme von 187 „Feinden“ anzugreifen. 188 SUMMARY:Cyberpeace statt Cyberwar 189 STATUS:CONFIRMED 190 END:VEVENT 191 BEGIN:VEVENT 192 DURATION:PT1H00M 193 LOCATION:Saal 4 194 SEQUENCE:0 195 URL: 196 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T203000 197 198 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 199 CATEGORIES:Lecture 200 DESCRIPTION:Aside from further development of traditional forensic techni 201 ques which involve post-mortem hard disk analysis\, in the last couple o 202 f years the field of computer forensics has been marked by significant d 203 evelopment of live forensic techniques and tools.Memory forensics is com 204 posed of two main activities: memory aquisition/capture and analysis. Th 205 is presentation will give an overview of the memory acquisition and anal 206 ysis techniques and tools on the Windows operating systems. The main par 207 t of the presentation will cover current exploitation techniques and met 208 hods for defeating bothq acquisition and analysis phase of the memory f 209 orensics\, as well as present a new approach for hiding specific artifac 210 ts from forensic tools. Based on the covered exploitation techniques\, s 211 ome suggestions and improvements of the current tools will be given. 212 SUMMARY:Defeating Windows memory forensics 213 STATUS:CONFIRMED 214 END:VEVENT 215 BEGIN:VEVENT 216 DURATION:PT1H00M 217 LOCATION:Saal 4 218 SEQUENCE:0 219 URL: 220 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T203000 221 222 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 223 CATEGORIES:Lecture 224 DESCRIPTION:Over the years we learned impressively how to oppose bad legi 225 slation hurting our freedoms online. We are now facing an even bigger ch 226 allenge: how to guarantee that a Free\, open\, decentralized Internet wi 227 ll be protected in the long run? In 2012 The Internetz won major battles 228 against SOPA/PIPA in the US\, and against ACTA in the EU. Yet\, we know 229 that the powerful industries and governments behind these projects will 230 never stop. They have an incentive to gain control of the Internet\, at 231 tacking fundamental rights and promoting technologies like "Deep Packet 232 Inspection"\, now being deployed in each and every corner of the Net\, 233 and used indifferently to break Net neutrality\, to filter\, block and 234 censor communications or to inspect citizens traffic.How to push for pro 235 posals that will ensure that the sharing of knowledge and culture\, citi 236 zens freedoms\, and access to an open infrastructure will be guaranteed 237 in the future public policies? How to become as successful in propositio 238 n as we are now in opposition?(Hint: it's political\, stupid!) 239 SUMMARY:Defend your Freedoms Online: It's Political\, Stupid! - A Positiv 240 e agenda against the next ACTA\, SOPA\, and suchfacing an even ! 241 STATUS:CONFIRMED 242 END:VEVENT 243 BEGIN:VEVENT 244 DURATION:PT1H00M 245 LOCATION:Saal 1 246 SEQUENCE:0 247 URL: 248 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T171500 249 250 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 251 CATEGORIES:Lecture 252 DESCRIPTION:Die Debatte um die Tarifreform der GEMA war eines der großen 253 Themen des Jahres 2012: Die Verwertungsgesellschaft geriet quer durch a 254 lle politischen Lager und gesellschaftlichen Schichten in die Kritik\, d 255 ie Warnungen vor einem großen Clubsterben wurden von Tausenden auf die 256 Straße getragen. Dies steigerte auch das Interesse an der »Cultural Co 257 mmons Collecting Society« (C3S)\, einem Graswurzelprojekt zur Gründung 258 einer neuen\, modernen1 und internetverstehenden Verwertungsgesellscha 259 ft\, die u. a. auch vollen Support für Creative-Commons-Lizenzen bieten 260 soll. 2012 war daher auch ein ereignisreiches Jahr für dieses Projekt\ 261 , und 2013 sollen nach Plan die Gründung als Europäische Genossenschaf 262 t und die Antragsstellung beim Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt folgen. 263 SUMMARY:Der Mord fällt aus - Ein Werkstattbericht der GEMA-Alternative C 264 3S 265 STATUS:CONFIRMED 266 END:VEVENT 267 BEGIN:VEVENT 268 DURATION:PT1H00M 269 LOCATION:Saal 1 270 SEQUENCE:0 271 URL: 272 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T160000 273 274 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 275 CATEGORIES:Lecture 276 DESCRIPTION:Am 6. November 2012 war der CCC vor dem Bundesverfassungsgeri 277 cht zur Anhörung über die Antiterrordatei und die Grenzen polizeiliche 278 r Datenverarbeitung geladen. Wir berichten über die Anhörung\, die d 279 ort vorgebrachten Argumente und die technische Konzeption der ATD. Und w 280 ir orakeln über ein mögliches Urteil im nächsten Jahr. 281 SUMMARY:Die Antiterrordatei 282 STATUS:CONFIRMED 283 END:VEVENT 284 BEGIN:VEVENT 285 DURATION:PT1H00M 286 LOCATION:Saal 1 287 SEQUENCE:0 288 URL: 289 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T124500 290 291 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 292 CATEGORIES:Lecture 293 DESCRIPTION:In den vergangenen Jahren wurde vor allem die Sprache von Pol 294 itikern auf dem Congress beleuchtet. Aber die schwurbelnde Politiker sin 295 d noch nicht die ganze Wahrheit. Wir möchten das Ganze daher um den zwe 296 iten wichtigen Mitspieler bei der Konstruktion von Realität ergänzen\, 297 um die Presse bzw. die Medien. Die Äußerungen von Politikern (zum Bei 298 spiel auf Pressekonferenzen) sollen dabei der Mediendarstellung gegenüb 299 ergestellt werden. Dabe}i wird deutlich werden\, dass es zwischen Polit 300 ikern und Medien Rückkopplungseffekte gibt. 301 SUMMARY:Die Wahrheit\, was wirklich passierte und was in der Zeitung stan 302 d - Wie Medien unsere Wahrnehmung beeinflussens! 303 STATUS:CONFIRMED 304 END:VEVENT 305 BEGIN:VEVENT 306 DURATION:PT2H15M 307 LOCATION:Saal 1 308 SEQUENCE:0 309 URL: 310 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T203000 311 312 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 313 CATEGORIES:Lecture 314 DESCRIPTION:With the post 9/11 rise of the leviathan national security st 315 ate\, the rule of law in the United States under the Constitution is inc 316 reasingly rule by secrecy\, surveillance and executive fiat. 317 SUMMARY:Enemies of the State: What Happens When Telling the Truth about S 318 ecret US Government Power Becomes a Crime - Blowing the Whistle on Spyin 319 g\, LngAying & Illegalities in the Digital Eraxecutive fiat. 320 STATUS:CONFIRMED 321 END:VEVENT 322 BEGIN:VEVENT 323 DURATION:PT1H00M 324 LOCATION:Saal 4 325 SEQUENCE:0 326 URL: 327 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T230000 328 329 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 330 CATEGORIES:Lecture 331 DESCRIPTION:This presentation will cover a demonstration of the new versi 332 on of the Canape protocol analysis tool being released for Ruxcon. Durin 333 g the course of the presentation various attack scenarios against the VM 334 Ware ESXi binary protocol will be demonstrated using Canape. 335 SUMMARY:ESXi Beast - Exploiting VMWARE ESXi Binary Protocols Using CANAPE 336 STATUS:CONFIRMED 337 END:VEVENT 338 BEGIN:VEVENT 339 DURATION:PT0H30M 340 LOCATION:Saal 6 341 SEQUENCE:0 342 URL: 343 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T131500 344 345 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 346 CATEGORIES:Lecture 347 DESCRIPTION:Recently\, several research papers in the area of computer se 348 curity were published that may or may not be considered unethical. Looki 349 ng at these borderline cases is relevant as today’s research papers wi 350 ll influence how young researchers conduct their research. In our talk w 351 e address various cases and papers and highlight emerging issues for eth 352 ic committees\, internal review boards (IRBs) and senior researchers to 353 evaluate research proposals and to finally decide where they see a line 354 that should not be crossed. 355 SUMMARY:Ethics in Security Research 356 STATUS:CONFIRMED 357 END:VEVENT 358 BEGIN:VEVENT 359 DURATION:PT1H00M 360 LOCATION:Saal 6 361 SEQUENCE:0 362 URL: 363 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T113000 364 365 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 366 CATEGORIES:Lecture 367 DESCRIPTION:We know\, that cooking is an art. Selecting the ingredients\, 368 carefully washing\, pealingand cutting them before you put them into th 369 e right dish at the right time with the right heat.Watching the food cha 370 nge his color\, form and consistency\, seasoning it to develop it'sflavo 371 rs and serving it on beautiful plates is a pleasure.For some\, but not 372 for all.Those who love cooking can spend hours at the stove andrelax whi 373 le preparing delicious meals. For others cooking is pure stress. What is 374 the difference between orange and yellowcarrots? Did I forget something 375 ? Is the pan hot enoughq_? Or too hot? How long after thepasta do I star 376 t cooking the steak? Will it be healthy? Is it sustainable?So many quest 377 ionsappear if one starts to think about food. The answers are complicate 378 dand ambiguous. They require research and analyzing. Many have stopped t 379 hinkingabout food. They just believe what is written on thepackage.I can 380 't cookis such an easy answer. And it is accepted in our society. Nobody 381 isashamed of it. This gives more and more control tomultinational corpo 382 rations. Through precookedfood and shiny commercials they calm our consc 383 ience and stimulate our laziness.The consequences are dramatic!The profi 384 t-focused approach of multinationalcorporations have led to things like: 385 • Patented genetically modified seeds. Lawyers suing farmers for copyr 386 ights.• Destruction of South-American jungle to make soya to feed Euro 387 pean cows so theymake more milk. Although a cow as never born to eat pro 388 teins.• Chickens that can't stand on their own feet due to the weight 389 of their breasts. Theywill never see soil\, worms or even sunlight.• O 390 ran-Utangs losing their homes for palm oil• Vegetables getting grown i 391 n the desert\, wasting huge amounts of drinking water.Conclusions:• We 392 must know more about our food• We have to cook more ourselves• So w 393 e will recover some control over what we eat 394 SUMMARY:EveryCook - Cooking gets digital 395 STATUS:CONFIRMED 396 END:VEVENT 397 BEGIN:VEVENT 398 DURATION:PT1H00M 399 LOCATION:Saal 1 400 SEQUENCE:0 401 URL: 402 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T183000 403 404 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 405 CATEGORIES:Lecture 406 DESCRIPTION:RSA is the dominant public-key cryptosystem on the Internet. 407 This talk will explain the state of the art in techniques for the attack 408 er toh- figure out your secret RSA keys.d European co1 409 SUMMARY:FactHacks - RSA factorization in the real world 410 STATUS:CONFIRMED 411 END:VEVENT 412 BEGIN:VEVENT 413 DURATION:PT1H00M 414 LOCATION:Saal 1 415 SEQUENCE:0 416 URL: 417 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T230000 418 419 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 420 CATEGORIES:Lecture 421 DESCRIPTION:Neues Jahr\, neue Fnords :-) 422 SUMMARY:Fnord-Jahresrückblick - Diesmal mit noch mehr Eurozonen-Spaltung 423 ! 424 STATUS:CONFIRMED 425 END:VEVENT 426 BEGIN:VEVENT 427 DURATION:PT1H00M 428 LOCATION:Saal 1 429 SEQUENCE:0 430 URL: 431 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T214500 432 433 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 434 CATEGORIES:Lecture 435 DESCRIPTION:The calypso baseband and its companion chips are used on the 436 Motorola C123 among other and are now well known for being supported by 437 the Osmocom-BB open source GSM baseband implementation. A couple years a 438 go\, it was hacked a little further by using it as a raw bits capture de 439 vice allowing the interception of GSM traffic very cheaply. 440 SUMMARY:Further hacks on the Calypso platform - or how to turn a phone in 441 to a BTSience a1 442 STATUS:CONFIRMED 443 END:VEVENT 444 BEGIN:VEVENT 445 DURATION:PT2H00M 446 LOCATION:Saal 4 447 SEQUENCE:0 448 URL: 449 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T001500 450 451 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 452 CATEGORIES:Lecture 453 DESCRIPTION:Beim Googlequiz treten Teams gegeneinander an\, die *ohne Int 454 ernet* Aufgaben zu Googlesuchen und Suchergebnissen raten. 455 SUMMARY:Googlequiz - Wie man (spaßorientiert) mehr als 5% seines Googlev 456 ermögens trainiertGooglesuchen! 457 STATUS:CONFIRMED 458 END:VEVENT 459 BEGIN:VEVENT 460 DURATION:PT2H00M 461 LOCATION:Saal 1 462 SEQUENCE:0 463 URL: 464 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T230000 465 466 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 467 CATEGORIES:Lecture 468 DESCRIPTION: 469 SUMMARY:Hacker Jeopardy - Zahlenraten für Geeks 470 STATUS:CONFIRMED 471 END:VEVENT 472 BEGIN:VEVENT 473 DURATION:PT1H00M 474 LOCATION:Saal 1 475 SEQUENCE:0 476 URL: 477 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T203000 478 479 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 480 CATEGORIES:Lecture 481 DESCRIPTION:Hackers are a high-risk population. This talk will provide ha 482 ckers with tools to reduce the risk to themselves and their communities 483 using harm reduction methodology. 484 SUMMARY:Hackers As A High-Risk Population - Harm Reduction Methodology 485 STATUS:CONFIRMED 486 END:VEVENT 487 BEGIN:VEVENT 488 DURATION:PT1H00M 489 LOCATION:Saal 1 490 SEQUENCE:0 491 URL: 492 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T230000 493 494 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 495 CATEGORIES:Lecture 496 DESCRIPTION:We discuss a set of 0-day kernel vulnerabilities in CNU (Cisc 497 o NativeUnix)\, the operating system that powers all Cisco TNP IP phones 498 . Wedemonstrate the reliable exploitation of all Cisco TNP phones viamul 499 tiple vulnerabilities found in the CNU kernel. We demonstratepractical c 500 overt surveillance using constant\, stealthy exfiltration ofmicrophone d 501 ata via a number of covert channels. We also demonstrate theworm-like pr 502 opagation of our CNU malware\, which can quickly compromiseall vulnerabl 503 e Cisco phones on the network. We discuss the feasibilityof our attacks 504 given physical access\,A- internal network access and remoteaccess acros 505 s the internet. Lastly\, we built on last year's presentationby discussi 506 ng the feasibility of exploiting Cisco phones fromcompromised HP printer 507 s and vice versa. 508 SUMMARY:Hacking Cisco Phones - Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean 509 your phone isn't listening to everything you sayall Cisco TNP ! 510 STATUS:CONFIRMED 511 END:VEVENT 512 BEGIN:VEVENT 513 DURATION:PT1H00M 514 LOCATION:Saal 6 515 SEQUENCE:0 516 URL: 517 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T183000 518 519 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 520 CATEGORIES:Lecture 521 DESCRIPTION:Wir sehen in der digitalen Technik großes Potential zur Demo 522 kratisierung und Befreiung der Menschen. Doch machen wir uns nichts vor. 523 Technik kann genausogut der Entmündigung von Menschen dienen. Je kompl 524 exer sie wird\, desto mehr sind wir von Vereinfachung abhängig und dest 525 o weniger Einfluss können wir selber auf die Technik nehmen. 526 SUMMARY:Hacking Philosophy - Digitale Mündigkeit\, Technikpaternalismus 527 und warum wir Netzphilosophie brauchenn. Doch m! 528 STATUS:CONFIRMED 529 END:VEVENT 530 BEGIN:VEVENT 531 DURATION:PT1H00M 532 LOCATION:Saal 4 533 SEQUENCE:0 534 URL: 535 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T001500 536 537 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 538 CATEGORIES:Lecture 539 DESCRIPTION:This is fun stuff for the late night program\, not a serious 540 talk.Is it possible to read sb. others mind? In the late 1920ies/early 1 541 930ies Berlin was excited by the famous mindreader and fortune teller Er 542 ik Jan Hanussen who performed his strange abilities on stage. His act wa 543 s so convincing that leading nazis beleaved in his powers and wanted him 544 for advice - until they decided to murder him. 545 SUMMARY:Hanussen's mindreading - Experiment's of the historical psychic 546 STATUS:CONFIRMED 547 END:VEVENT 548 BEGIN:VEVENT 549 DURATION:PT1H00M 550 LOCATION:Saal 4 551 SEQUENCE:0 552 URL: 553 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T214500 554 555 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 556 CATEGORIES:Lecture 557 DESCRIPTION:At 28C3\, Klink and Waelde showed that a number of technologi 558 es (PHP\, ASP.NET\,Ruby\, Java\, Python\, etc.) were vulnerable to the d 559 ecade-old hash-flooding DoSattacks. The vulnerability was then often fix 560 ed by adopting stronger hashfunctions and "randomizing" them. 561 SUMMARY:Hash-flooding DoS reloaded: attacks and defenses 562 STATUS:CONFIRMED 563 END:VEVENT 564 BEGIN:VEVENT 565 DURATION:PT1H00M 566 LOCATION:Saal 1 567 SEQUENCE:0 568 URL: 569 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T183000 570 571 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 572 CATEGORIES:Lecture 573 DESCRIPTION:NSU-Untersuchungsausschuss in Thüringen und NSU-Untersuchung 574 sausschuss des Bundestages\, über die Mordserie des NSU\, das System de 575 r V-Leute und die Rolle des Verfassungsschutzes.Zwölf Jahre lang konn 576 te der „Natio1nalsozialistische Untergrund“ (NSU) unerkannt in Deut 577 schland eine rassistische Mordserie an neun migrantischen Gewerbetreiben 578 den\, zwei Bombenanschläge mit mehr als zwanzig Verletzten\, den Mord a 579 n einer jungen Polizistin sowie ein Dutzend Banküberfälle verüben. 580 SUMMARY:Hinter den Kulissen: Der NSU und das V-Leute-System 581 STATUS:CONFIRMED 582 END:VEVENT 583 BEGIN:VEVENT 584 DURATION:PT1H00M 585 LOCATION:Saal 6 586 SEQUENCE:0 587 URL: 588 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T203000 589 590 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 591 CATEGORIES:Lecture 592 DESCRIPTION:An approach to the problem of fuzzing proprietary protocols w 593 ill be shown\, focusing on network protocols and native software. In the 594 course of this talk I will combine several methods in order to force th 595 e client software to work as a “double agent” against the server. 596 SUMMARY:"How I met your pointer" - Hijacking client software for fuzz and 597 profitSience a1 598 STATUS:CONFIRMED 599 END:VEVENT 600 BEGIN:VEVENT 601 DURATION:PT1H00M 602 LOCATION:Saal 4 603 SEQUENCE:0 604 URL: 605 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T140000 606 607 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 608 CATEGORIES:Lecture 609 DESCRIPTION:Legal systems have a huge impact on what we do as hackers\, b 610 ut also on internet users in general. Laws can restrict our freedom to u 611 se the internet in ways we deem to be natural and it can impede the tool 612 s which we hackers use on a daily basis. Which is not to say that laws c 613 annot also protect our freedom and ensure that all bits are treated equa 614 lly. Most importantly\, these laws can be hacked and tweaked to fit our 615 needs - like most things in this world.1 616 SUMMARY:HOWTO Hack the law 617 STATUS:CONFIRMED 618 END:VEVENT 619 BEGIN:VEVENT 620 DURATION:PT1H00M 621 LOCATION:Saal 6 622 SEQUENCE:0 623 URL: 624 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T113000 625 626 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 627 CATEGORIES:Lecture 628 DESCRIPTION:Sechs Jahre nach seinem Inkrafttreten wurde das Informationsf 629 reiheitsgesetz (IFG) des Bundes für den Deutschen Bundestag evaluiert. 630 Auch aus einzelnen Bundesländern liegen zwischenzeitlich wissenschaftli 631 ch untermauerte Erkenntnisse zum Stand oder Nichtstand der Informationsf 632 reiheit in Deutschland vor. 633 SUMMARY:IFG: Chance oder Bürgerbluff? - Informationsfreiheit in Deutschl 634 and. Ein Sachstand.) des Bundes! 635 STATUS:CONFIRMED 636 END:VEVENT 637 BEGIN:VEVENT 638 DURATION:PT1H00M 639 LOCATION:Saal 6 640 SEQUENCE:0 641 URL: 642 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T183000 643 644 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 645 CATEGORIES:Lecture 646 DESCRIPTION:INFECT: "Bei der Forschung an unserem neuen Killervirus hat u 647 nsere Ethikkommission penibelst darauf geachtet\, dass niemand der Forsc 648 her sich ansteckt." 649 SUMMARY:INDECT\, Verhaltenserkennung & Co - automatisierte staatliche Ver 650 dächtigung 651 STATUS:CONFIRMED 652 END:VEVENT 653 BEGIN:VEVENT 654 DURATION:PT1H00M 655 LOCATION:Saal 6 656 SEQUENCE:0 657 URL: 658 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T124500 659 660 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 661 CATEGORIES:Lecture 662 DESCRIPTION:This talk is aimed to give an insight into CPE WAN Management 663 Protocol (CWMP) and its GPLv2 implementations that were developed in th 664 e past year. 665 SUMMARY:ISP's black box - provisioning behind the scenes 666 STATUS:CONFIRMED 667 END:VEVENT 668 BEGIN:VEVENT 669 DURATION:PT1H00M 670 LOCATION:Saal 4 671 SEQUENCE:0 672 URL: 673 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T214500 674 675 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 676 CATEGORIES:Lecture 677 DESCRIPTION:In the last years\, mobile security and specifically GSM has 678 been attacked in many different ways. It was demonstrated how to sniff a 679 nd crack traffic\, how to impersonate a subscriber by placing a fake cal 680 l and the general security characteristics of this mobile protocol stack 681 have been evaluated.In this presentation\, we will check out a part of 682 the protocol procedures that hasn't been looked at yet\, specifically Mo 683 bile Terminated services. 684 SUMMARY:Let Me Answer That for You - adventures in mobile paging 685 STATUS:CONFIRMED 686 END:VEVENT 687 BEGIN:VEVENT 688 DURATION:PT2H15M 689 LOCATION:Saal 4 690 SEQUENCE:0 691 URL: 692 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T124500 693 694 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 695 CATEGORIES:Lecture 696 DESCRIPTION: 697 SUMMARY:Lightning Talks 1 - 5 Minutes of Fame 698 STATUS:CONFIRMED 699 END:VEVENT 700 BEGIN:VEVENT 701 DURATION:PT2H15M 702 LOCATION:Saal 4 703 SEQUENCE:0 704 URL: 705 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T124500 706 707 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 708 CATEGORIES:Lecture 709 DESCRIPTION: 710 SUMMARY:Lightning Talks 2 - 5 Minutes of Fame 711 STATUS:CONFIRMED 712 END:VEVENT 713 BEGIN:VEVENT 714 DURATION:PT2H15M 715 LOCATION:Saal 4 716 SEQUENCE:0 717 URL: 718 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T124500 719 720 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 721 CATEGORIES:Lecture 722 DESCRIPTION: 723 SUMMARY:Lightning Talks 3 - 5 Minutes of Fame 724 STATUS:CONFIRMED 725 END:VEVENT 726 BEGIN:VEVENT 727 DURATION:PT1H00M 728 LOCATION:Saal 6 729 SEQUENCE:0 730 URL: 731 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T171500 732 733 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 734 CATEGORIES:Lecture 735 DESCRIPTION:We're winning! The future looks like network politics!Wait\, 736 what the hell are network politics and how do they work? Is that like 737 the Pirate Party\, or the IETF\, or Anonymous? 738 SUMMARY:Long live the protocoletariat! 739 STATUS:CONFIRMED 740 END:VEVENT 741 BEGIN:VEVENT 742 DURATION:PT1H00M 743 LOCATION:Saal 4 744 SEQUENCE:0 745 URL: 746 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T183000 747 748 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 749 CATEGORIES:Lecture 750 DESCRIPTION:Security is moving deeper into hardware and so should securit 751 y research. This talks introduces microprobing\, an old technique for sn 752 ooping on data inside chips\, and details a low-cost probing setup. 753 SUMMARY:Low-Cost Chip Microprobing 754 STATUS:CONFIRMED 755 END:VEVENT 756 BEGIN:VEVENT 757 DURATION:PT1H00M 758 LOCATION:Saal 4 759 SEQUENCE:0 760 URL: 761 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T171500 762 763 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 764 CATEGORIES:Lecture 765 DESCRIPTION:You might remember Tamagotchi virtual pets from the 1990's. T 766 hese toys are still around and just as demanding as ever! This talk cove 767 rs my attempts to hack the latest Tamagotchis. Starting with the IR inte 768 rface\, and moving down into the hardware\, this presentation will discu 769 ss techniques for reverse engineering a device with limited inputs\, com 770 puting power and debugging capabilities. 771 SUMMARY:Many Tamagotchis Were Harmed in the Making of this Presentation 772 STATUS:CONFIRMED 773 END:VEVENT 774 BEGIN:VEVENT 775 DURATION:PT1H00M 776 LOCATION:Saal 1 777 SEQUENCE:0 778 URL: 779 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T160000 780 781 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 782 CATEGORIES:Lecture 783 DESCRIPTION:Autonomer Drumroboter\, robotisches Glockenspiel oder klingen 784 de Installation: Musikinstrumente zu modifizieren und selbstzubauen biet 785 et musik- und technikaffinen Geeks die Möglichkeit\, vorgefertigten Kla 786 ng-Setups etwas eigenständiges entgegenzusetzen. Drumroboter und Klangi 787 nstallationen üben dabei sowohl physisch als auch optisch einen besonde 788 ren Reiz aus: die Quelle des Klangs wird entdeckt. 789 SUMMARY:Marvin und der Blues - Wie Roboterinstrumente zum Musik machen be 790 nutzt werden können des Bundes! 791 STATUS:CONFIRMED 792 END:VEVENT 793 BEGIN:VEVENT 794 DURATION:PT1H00M 795 LOCATION:Saal 6 796 SEQUENCE:0 797 URL: 798 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T214500 799 800 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 801 CATEGORIES:Lecture 802 DESCRIPTION:Mit RFID-Lesegeräten Menschen tracken - keine Zukunftsvision 803 . 804 SUMMARY:Meine Kleidung funkt - Tracking von Menschen durch in Kleidung in 805 tegrierte RFID-Chips des Bundes! 806 STATUS:CONFIRMED 807 END:VEVENT 808 BEGIN:VEVENT 809 DURATION:PT1H00M 810 LOCATION:Saal 4 811 SEQUENCE:0 812 URL: 813 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T113000 814 815 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 816 CATEGORIES:Lecture 817 DESCRIPTION:Meldegesetz und der erfolgreiche Protest dagegen. 818 SUMMARY:Meldegesetz - Was aus dem 57-Sekunden-Gesetz wurde 819 STATUS:CONFIRMED 820 END:VEVENT 821 BEGIN:VEVENT 822 DURATION:PT1H00M 823 LOCATION:Saal 6 824 SEQUENCE:0 825 URL: 826 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T214500 827 828 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 829 CATEGORIES:Lecture 830 DESCRIPTION:Unsichere Studierenden- und Mensakarten. Eine wissenschaftlic 831 he Auswertung. 832 SUMMARY:Men who stare at bits - RFID-Studierendenkarten mit Fehlern 833 STATUS:CONFIRMED 834 END:VEVENT 835 BEGIN:VEVENT 836 DURATION:PT1H00M 837 LOCATION:Saal 1 838 SEQUENCE:0 839 URL: 840 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T203000 841 842 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 843 CATEGORIES:Lecture 844 DESCRIPTION:Contactless smartcards have become widespread for application 845 s such as ticketing\, access control\, identification and payments. Side 846 -channel analysis (SCA) is a powerful type of passive implementation att 847 ack that enables to extract the secret keys of cryptographic devices. At 848 the example of NXP's Mifare DESfire MF3ICD40 smartcards we demonstrate 849 that SCA attacks can be applied to cryptographic RFID devices: By exploi 850 ting the electro-magnetic information leakage of the cards\, its cryptog 851 raphic keys are revealed.We introduce our open-source tools for analyzin 852 g contactless smartcardqs\, i.e.\, an ISO 14443 RFID reader (http://so 853 and the card emulator Chameleon (htt 854 p:// We then present the probab 855 ly worst realization of a commercial contactless payment system ever and 856 detail on various real-world attacks on this widespread (in Germany) sy 857 stem\, e.g.\, how to 'milk the digital cash cow' by modifying the credit 858 balance and convert zeros and ones into real money. The content of the 859 talk is joint work with Ingo von Maurich\, Daviad Oswald and Christof 860 Paar. 861 SUMMARY:Milking the Digital Cash Cow - Extracting Secret Keys of Contactl 862 ess Smartcards 863 STATUS:CONFIRMED 864 END:VEVENT 865 BEGIN:VEVENT 866 DURATION:PT1H00M 867 LOCATION:Saal 6 868 SEQUENCE:0 869 URL: 870 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T113000 871 872 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 873 CATEGORIES:Lecture 874 DESCRIPTION:Massive open online courses are the vogue of the season when 875 it comes to discussing the future of university-level education. But we 876 re onQly starting to see what education at this scope means and how 877 it can be supported best\, in terms of both didactics and technology. Th 878 is talk is an inside report by two instructors who have delved into the 879 experience of teaching large audiences online. We share the lessons that 880 we have learned: how to spark student interest\, how to put intuition b 881 efore formal theories\, how to streamline production and much more. And 882 we point out what needs to be done to truly democratize education from t 883 he viewpoint of both the studenAts and the instructors. 884 SUMMARY:Millions of Lessons Learned on Electronic Napkins - On the way to 885 free(ing) educationng the futu! 886 STATUS:CONFIRMED 887 END:VEVENT 888 BEGIN:VEVENT 889 DURATION:PT1H00M 890 LOCATION:Saal 6 891 SEQUENCE:0 892 URL: 893 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T171500 894 895 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 896 CATEGORIES:Lecture 897 DESCRIPTION:In den letzten Jahren haben sich netzpolitische Kräfteverhä 898 ltnisse auf interessante Weise verschoben. Neue Allianzen bilden sich so 899 wohl geqgen\, als auch für das freie Internet – und dennoch bleibt 900 der Aktivismus weit hinter seinem Potential zurück. 901 SUMMARY:Netzaktivsten! Ist das alles\, was wir drauf haben? - Eine subjek 902 tive Bestandsaufnahmeg the futu! 903 STATUS:CONFIRMED 904 END:VEVENT 905 BEGIN:VEVENT 906 DURATION:PT1H00M 907 LOCATION:Saal 6 908 SEQUENCE:0 909 URL: 910 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T214500 911 912 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 913 CATEGORIES:Lecture 914 DESCRIPTION:Human interface design for musical instruments presents uniqu 915 e challenges and vast new possibilities. The proliferation of low cost 916 rapid-prototyping tools has put the means of fabricating instruments wit 917 hin reach of the performing musician. In this talk\, I'll go through th 918 e design process for my main performance controller (The Mojo)\, my mult 919 iplayer instruments (aka Jamboxes) and my new RoboCaster guitar-controll 920 er. 921 SUMMARY:New Human Interfaces for Music - DIY MIDI Controllers 922 STATUS:CONFIRMED 923 END:VEVENT 924 BEGIN:VEVENT 925 DURATION:PT0H30M 926 LOCATION:Saal 6 927 SEQUENCE:0 928 URL: 929 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T160000 930 931 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 932 CATEGORIES:Lecture 933 DESCRIPTION: 934 SUMMARY:NOC Review - NOC Review about the 29C3 935 STATUS:CONFIRMED 936 END:VEVENT 937 BEGIN:VEVENT 938 DURATION:PT1H00M 939 LOCATION:Saal 1 940 SEQUENCE:0 941 URL: 942 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T113000 943 944 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 945 CATEGORIES:Lecture 946 DESCRIPTION:On the topic of resistance. 947 SUMMARY:Not my department 948 STATUS:CONFIRMED 949 END:VEVENT 950 BEGIN:VEVENT 951 DURATION:PT1H00M 952 LOCATION:Saal 1 953 SEQUENCE:0 954 URL: 955 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T001500 956 957 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 958 CATEGORIES:Lecture 959 DESCRIPTION:Gut gereift und mit verbesserter Rezeptur.Aber immer noch:Zwe 960 i sich auf Couchen fläzende Teams gehirnwinden\, spitzfinden und assozi 961 ieren gegeneinander an\, um Bilderrätsel aus den Gefilden IT\, Netzgese 962 llschaft und Informatik zu entwirren.(Hashtag: #Nougatbytes) 963 SUMMARY:Nougatbytes 10 - Gebilde(r)ter Hirnsalat – die rhekkcüЯ der B 964 ilderrätselds 965 STATUS:CONFIRMED 966 END:VEVENT 967 BEGIN:VEVENT 968 DURATION:PT0H30M 969 LOCATION:Saal 6 970 SEQUENCE:0 971 URL: 972 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T143000 973 974 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 975 CATEGORIES:Lecture 976 DESCRIPTION:Polish government decided in favour of open-licensed e-textbo 977 oks. This is not to liking of big textbook publishers\, reaping in profi 978 ts hand over fist. While their black PR campaign focuses on technicaliti 979 es\, it seems obvious that their real beef is with the liberal licensing 980 . 981 SUMMARY:OMG! OER! - How big business fights open education in Poland\, an 982 d how open education fights back! textbook publ! 983 STATUS:CONFIRMED 984 END:VEVENT 985 BEGIN:VEVENT 986 DURATION:PT0H30M 987 LOCATION:Saal 6 988 SEQUENCE:0 989 URL: 990 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T140000 991 992 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 993 CATEGORIES:Lecture 994 DESCRIPTION:The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is a widely ado 995 pted language for making security statements about subjects. It is a cri 996 tical component for the development of federated identity deployments an 997 d Single Sign-On scenarios. In order to protect integrity and authentici 998 ty of the exchanged SAML assertions\, the XML Signature standard is appl 999 ied. However\, the signature verification algorithm is much more complex 1000 than in traditional signature formats like PKCS#7. The integrity protec 1001 tion can thus be successfully circumvented by application of different X 1002 ML Signature specific aawttacks\, under a weak adversarial model. 1003 SUMMARY:On Breaking SAML - Be Whoever You Want to Be 1004 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1005 END:VEVENT 1006 BEGIN:VEVENT 1007 DURATION:PT0H15M 1008 LOCATION:Saal 1 1009 SEQUENCE:0 1010 URL: 1011 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T110000 1012 1013 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1014 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1015 DESCRIPTION: 1016 SUMMARY:Opening Event 1017 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1018 END:VEVENT 1019 BEGIN:VEVENT 1020 DURATION:PT1H00M 1021 LOCATION:Saal 1 1022 SEQUENCE:0 1023 URL: 1024 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T160000 1025 1026 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1027 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1028 DESCRIPTION:Was bedeutet das Zeitalter offener Designs für die Sicherhei 1029 t von Schlössern? Zum Beispiel solchen\, die auf eine geringe Verbreitu 1030 ng eineks Schlüssels setzen? Ein Beispiel sind die sogenannten Hochsi 1031 cherheitsversionen von Polizeihandschellen. Der Talk zeigt was (und wie) 1032 sich in diesem Bereich mit Lasercuttern und 3D Druckern erreichen läss 1033 t - sowie welche komplexeren Angriffsziele noch warten. Als Ausweg aus d 1034 er Problematik kopierbarer Schlüssel gelten digitale Schlösser\, aber 1035 sie kranken anders an offenen Quellen: sie haben keine! Im Rahmen eines 1036 Open Source Lock Projektes haben wir uns daher ein reflashbares Vorhäng 1037 eschloss angesehen\, doch noch ehe wir den Programmieradapter angeschlos 1038 sen hatten fanden wir eine SchwachstellAie der Hardware... Leider kein 1039 Einzelfall! 1040 SUMMARY:Open Source Schlüssel und Schlösser - Offene Quellen zum Bösen 1041 und Guten: von downloadbaren Handschellenschlüsseln zu sicheren elektr 1042 onischen s SchlüsselsSchlössern 1043 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1044 END:VEVENT 1045 BEGIN:VEVENT 1046 DURATION:PT1H00M 1047 LOCATION:Saal 4 1048 SEQUENCE:0 1049 URL: 1050 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T171500 1051 1052 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1053 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1054 DESCRIPTION:x86 processors contain a surprising amount of built-in memory 1055 translation logic\, which is driven by various data tables with intrica 1056 te entry formats\, and can produce various kinds of traps and other inte 1057 resting computational effects. These features are mostly relics of earli 1058 er\, more civilized times\, when Jedi Knights tried to protect the Old R 1059 epublic OSes with segmentation\, supervisor bits\, and hardware task sup 1060 port\, but were defeated by processor de-optimizations and performance c 1061 oncerns and left unused by both Windows and UNIX systems – and explore 1062 d only by hackers. For the rest of the world\, an x86 PC was a "von Neum 1063 ann architecture" with most of its strangeness unused. 1064 SUMMARY:Page Fault Liberation Army or Gained in Translation - a history o 1065 f creative x86 virtual memory usestextbook publ! 1066 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1067 END:VEVENT 1068 BEGIN:VEVENT 1069 DURATION:PT1H00M 1070 LOCATION:Saal 4 1071 SEQUENCE:0 1072 URL: 1073 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T230000 1074 1075 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1076 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1077 DESCRIPTION:Der Vortrag handelt über Getreidezüchtung. Am Beispiel von 1078 Weizen soll der langjährige Prozess beschrieben werden\, den es benöti 1079 gt\, um eine neue Sorte auf den Markt zu bringen. Es sollen die biologi 1080 schen Grundlagen sowie die benötigte Technik vorgestellt werden. Außer 1081 dem wird auf die Problematik eingegangen\, die die Konzentration des Mar 1082 ktes auf wenige große Konzerne mit sich bringt. 1083 SUMMARY:Pflanzenhacken richtig - Einblicke in die Weizenzüchtung 1084 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1085 END:VEVENT 1086 BEGIN:VEVENT 1087 DURATION:PT1H00M 1088 LOCATION:Saal 4 1089 SEQUENCE:0 1090 URL: 1091 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T183000 1092 1093 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1094 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1095 DESCRIPTION:To date\, remote vehicle communications have provided little 1096 in the way of privacy. Much information and misinformation has been spre 1097 ad on what the system is and can do\, especially within the information 1098 security community. The recent field trial in the US of a connected vehi 1099 cle infrastructure raises the level of concern amongst all who are aware 1100 of existing privacy issues. 1101 SUMMARY:Privacy and the Car of the Future - Considerations for the Connec 1102 ted Vehiclelds 1103 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1104 END:VEVENT 1105 BEGIN:VEVENT 1106 DURATION:PT1H00M 1107 LOCATION:Saal 4 1108 SEQUENCE:0 1109 URL: 1110 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T160000 1111 1112 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1113 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1114 DESCRIPTION:ACTA war das beherrschende Thema des zweiten Halbjahres. Mit 1115 ACTA sollte der Weg einer Privatisierung der Rechtsdurchsetzung weiter g 1116 egangen werden. Was das konkret bedeutet\, können wir bereits im Auslan 1117 d sehen: Netzsperren\, 3-Strikes-Systeme und eine Echtzeit-Überwachung 1118 des Datenverkehrs zur Bekämpfung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen. Existie 1119 rende Modelle in anderen europäischen Staaten zeigen\, dass diese Maßn 1120 ahmen erhebliche grund- und datenschutzrechtliche Probleme aufwerfen. 1121 SUMMARY:Privatisierung der Rechtsdurchsetzung - Von ACTA\, IPRED und Freu 1122 ndenVehiclelds 1123 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1124 END:VEVENT 1125 BEGIN:VEVENT 1126 DURATION:PT1H00M 1127 LOCATION:Saal 1 1128 SEQUENCE:0 1129 URL: 1130 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T140000 1131 1132 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1133 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1134 DESCRIPTION:Zensur im Internet betrifft immer mehr Nutzer. Wir kennen Too 1135 ls wie Proxies\, VPNs oder Tor Bridges. Doch welche weiteren Werkzeuge u 1136 nterstützen die Nutzer vor Ort? Wo sind die Stärken und Schwächen? De 1137 r Vortrag stellt einige von diesen vor und zeigt die Stärken und Schwä 1138 chen. 1139 SUMMARY:Proximax\, Telex\, Flashproxy oder Tor Bridges - Übersicht über 1140 aktuelle Zensurumgehungssoftwarestextbook publ! 1141 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1142 END:VEVENT 1143 BEGIN:VEVENT 1144 DURATION:PT1H00M 1145 LOCATION:Saal 4 1146 SEQUENCE:0 1147 URL: 1148 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T171500 1149 1150 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1151 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1152 DESCRIPTION: This talk will give an overview of the ongoing work by the W 1153 3C on a controversial general purpose Javascript cryptography API in con 1154 text of the larger desire to create trusted and encrypted cloud services 1155 with rich web applications. Today\, cryptography is difficult to use an 1156 d the Web is an insecure environment at best\, but can this situation be 1157 improved and cryptography be put in the hands of ordinary developers an 1158 d users? The W3C specification\, currently under development\, will be d 1159 escribed\, as well as its interaction with other parts of the emerging W 1160 eb Security Model at th:e W3C and IETF such as Content Security Policy 1161 \, HTTP Strict Transport Security\, and Certificate Transparency. A numb 1162 er of use-cases\, ranging from decentralized identity systems to secure 1163 cloud services for activists\, will be detailed. As the specification wi 1164 ll be under active development until autumn 2013\, feedback from the hac 1165 ker community is needed! 1166 SUMMARY:Re-igniting the Crypto Wars on the Web 1167 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1168 END:VEVENT 1169 BEGIN:VEVENT 1170 DURATION:PT0H30M 1171 LOCATION:Saal 6 1172 SEQUENCE:0 1173 URL: 1174 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T131500 1175 1176 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1177 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1178 DESCRIPTION:In 1791\, the political reformer Jeremy Bentham theorized the 1179 Panopticon\, whose design promised to allow a single Inspector to surve 1180 il (exercise "inspective force" over) large numbers of criminals or work 1181 ers. In recent years\, the advent of a suitable technical apparatus – 1182 CCTV\, ISP taps (network traffic interception)\, data banks\, and so on 1183 – has extended the proposed 30m circumference of Bentham’s structure 1184 to\, and beyond\, the A2physical boundaries of entire countries. While 1185 total surveillance is often perceived as a feature of modernity\, its c 1186 onceptual and epistemological framework is rooted in the Romantic period 1187 \, moreover at a key juncture in the history of ideas concerning individ 1188 ual subjectivity\, rights and freedoms. David Barnard-Wills refers to in 1189 spective culture as a "nexus of surveillance\, identity and language" (2 1190 012). In this talk\, we examine this nexus in the historical period that 1191 first\, and so powerfully\, imagined the fully10 surveilled world. 1192 SUMMARY:Romantic Hackers - Keats\, Wordsworth and Total Surveillance 1193 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1194 END:VEVENT 1195 BEGIN:VEVENT 1196 DURATION:PT1H00M 1197 LOCATION:Saal 1 1198 SEQUENCE:0 1199 URL: 1200 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T183000 1201 1202 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1203 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1204 DESCRIPTION:Privacy International\, Agentura.Ru\, the Russian secret serv 1205 ices watchdog\, and Citizen Lab have joined forces to launch a new proje 1206 ct entitled 'Russia’s Surveillance State'. The aims of the project are 1207 to undertake research and investigation into surveillance practices in 1208 Russia\, including the trade in and use of surveillance technologies\, a 1209 nd to publicise research and investigative findings to improve national 1210 and international awareness of surveillance and secrecy practices in Rus 1211 sia. The project is made possible with support from the Canada Centre f 1212 or Global Security Studies\, Munk School of Global Affairs\, at the Univ 1213 ersity of Toronto. 1214 SUMMARY:Russia’s Surveillance State 1215 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1216 END:VEVENT 1217 BEGIN:VEVENT 1218 DURATION:PT1H00M 1219 LOCATION:Saal 1 1220 SEQUENCE:0 1221 URL: 1222 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T214500 1223 1224 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1225 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1226 DESCRIPTION:The triple meltdown of the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power p 1227 lant in March last year and the release of radioactive material that has 1228 ensued have left a good part of Northern Japan contaminated with unknow 1229 n amount of radioactivity. An outstanding lack of transparency from both 1230 the government and the power utility then resulted in a near total lack 1231 of information concerning the levels of radiation in the\, yet unknown\ 1232 , contaminated areas. As a response\, concerned citizen have started to 1233 take upon themselves this challenging task. However it quickly became cl 1234 ear that handheld measu! rements wouldn't scale up to the full magnitud 1235 e of the area to cover. New means of measuring radiation accurately\, qu 1236 ickly and cheaply were needed. 1237 SUMMARY:Safecast: DIY and citizen-sensing of radiation - Empowering citiz 1238 en in the wake of Fukushima triple-meltdown disasterve material! 1239 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1240 END:VEVENT 1241 BEGIN:VEVENT 1242 DURATION:PT1H00M 1243 LOCATION:Saal 6 1244 SEQUENCE:0 1245 URL: 1246 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T230000 1247 1248 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1249 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1250 DESCRIPTION:Modern civilization unconditionally depends on information sy 1251 stems. It is paradoxical but true that ICS/SCADA systems are the most in 1252 secure systems in the world. From network to application\, SCADA is full 1253 of configuration issues and vulnerabilities. 1254 SUMMARY:SCADA Strangelove - or: How I Learned to Start Worrying and Love 1255 Nuclear Plants 1256 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1257 END:VEVENT 1258 BEGIN:VEVENT 1259 DURATION:PT1H00M 1260 LOCATION:Saal 4 1261 SEQUENCE:0 1262 URL: 1263 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T113000 1264 1265 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1266 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1267 DESCRIPTION:This talk will go into some of challenges\, solutions\, and s 1268 tories from securing a campaign for the 2012 US presidential election. 1269 SUMMARY:Securing the Campaign - Security and the 2012 US Presidential Ele 1270 ctionar Plants 1271 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1272 END:VEVENT 1273 BEGIN:VEVENT 1274 DURATION:PT1H00M 1275 LOCATION:Saal 4 1276 SEQUENCE:0 1277 URL: 1278 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T203000 1279 1280 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1281 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1282 DESCRIPTION:In this talk we will survey some 30 recent attacks on the Rus 1283 sian GOST block cipher.Background: GOST cipher is the official encryptio 1284 n standard of the Russian federation\, and also has special versions for 1285 the most important Russian banks. Until 2012 there was no attack on GOS 1286 T when it is used in encryption with random keys. I have developed more 1287 than 30 different academic attacks on GOST the fastest has complexity of 1288 2^118 to recover some but not all 256-bit keys generated at random\, wh 1289 ich will be presented for the first time at CCC conference. It happens o 1290 nly once per decade tha 1291 t a government standard is broken while it is 1292 still an official government standard (happened for DES and AES\, no oth 1293 er cases known). All these are broken only in academic sense\, for GOST 1294 most recent attacks are sliding into maybe arguably practical in 30 year 1295 s from now instead of 200 years... Our earlier results were instrumental 1296 at ISO for rejecting GOST as an international encryption standard last 1297 year. Not more than 5+ block cihers have ever achieved this level of ISO 1298 standardisation in 25 years and it NEVER happeqnded in history of ISO 1299 that a cipher got broken during the standardization process. Two main p 1300 apers with 70+30 pages respectively which are 1301 1/626 and Two other papers have been al 1302 ready published in Cryptologia journal which specializes in serious mili 1303 tary and government crypto. The talk will cover three main families of a 1304 ttacks on GOST: high-level transformations\, low- level inversion/MITM/g 1305 uess-then-software/algebraic attacks and advanced truncated differentiaa 1306 l cryptanalysis of GOST. 1307 SUMMARY:Security Evaluation of Russian GOST Cipher - Survey of All Known 1308 Attacks on Russian Government Encryption Standard the official ! 1309 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1310 END:VEVENT 1311 BEGIN:VEVENT 1312 DURATION:PT1H00M 1313 LOCATION:Saal 1 1314 SEQUENCE:0 1315 URL: 1316 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T171500 1317 1318 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1319 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1320 DESCRIPTION:Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? 1321 Welche neuen Entwicklungen haben sich ergeben? Welche neuen Buzzwords un 1322 d Treed1nds waren zu sehen? 1323 SUMMARY:Security Nightmares - Damit Sie auch morgen schlecht von Ihrem Co 1324 mputer träumen.wicklungen habe! 1325 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1326 END:VEVENT 1327 BEGIN:VEVENT 1328 DURATION:PT1H00M 1329 LOCATION:Saal 4 1330 SEQUENCE:0 1331 URL: 1332 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T160000 1333 1334 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1335 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1336 DESCRIPTION:In The Netherlands\, this year the community-driven mobile te 1337 lco Limesco has started operations. We're providing voice\, SMS and data 1338 services to dozens of hackers in our country.One of the founders of Lim 1339 esco will give a lecture about mobile telephony in The Netherlands\, enc 1340 ompassing topics like what companies are involved in the system\, how ta 1341 riffs are constructed and the role of government regulations. 1342 SUMMARY:Setting mobile phones free - An overview of a mobile telephony ma 1343 rket and how a community-driven operator is borning voice\, SMS! 1344 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1345 END:VEVENT 1346 BEGIN:VEVENT 1347 DURATION:PT1H00M 1348 LOCATION:Saal 6 1349 SEQUENCE:0 1350 URL: 1351 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T160000 1352 1353 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1354 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1355 DESCRIPTION:Der Betrieb von WLAN-Funk-Netzen und auch von offenen oder fr 1356 eien Netzen ist heute weit verbreitet und Teil der Diskussion um die "Cu 1357 ltures of Sharing". Der Vortrag soll die Grundlagen der Haftung für off 1358 ene Netze und die Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung vom Landgericht Hamburg 1359 ("gestern") zum BGH-Urteil "Sommer unseres Lebens" und den Einfluss akt 1360 ueller Rechtsprqechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs\, des Bundesgeric 1361 htshofs und der Instanzgerichte darstellen ("heute"). Ein Ausblick auf d 1362 ie Folgen dieser neuen\, teilweise abweichenden Rechtsprechung und auf d 1363 ie Gesetzesinitiativen der SPD und der Linken ("morgen") soll den Vortra 1364 g abrunden. 1365 SUMMARY:Sharing Access – Risiken beim Betrieb offener (WLAN-)Netze - St 1366 and gestern\, heute und morgen eitet und Teil ! 1367 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1368 END:VEVENT 1369 BEGIN:VEVENT 1370 DURATION:PT1H00M 1371 LOCATION:Saal 4 1372 SEQUENCE:0 1373 URL: 1374 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T124500 1375 1376 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1377 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1378 DESCRIPTION:Der Eid des Hippokrates\, der das Handeln von Ärzten ethisch 1379 leiten soll\, ist zwischen 2.500 und 2.000 Jahre alt und tatsächlich w 1380 ohl diea erste 'Datenschutz-Vorschrift' überhaupt. So heißt es: "Was 1381 ich bei der Behandlung oder auch außerhalb meiner Praxis im Umgange mi 1382 t Menschen sehe und höre\, das man nicht weiterreden darf\, werde ich v 1383 erschweigen und als Geheimnis bewahren." [1] 1384 SUMMARY:Siechtum und Sterben der ärztlichen Schweigepflicht 1385 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1386 END:VEVENT 1387 BEGIN:VEVENT 1388 DURATION:PT1H00M 1389 LOCATION:Saal 4 1390 SEQUENCE:0 1391 URL: 1392 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T171500 1393 1394 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1395 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1396 DESCRIPTION:Green-IT kennen wir inzwischen zur Genüge. Computer können 1397 aber nicht nur nicht "green" sein\, sondern auch unfair und unsozial\, v 1398 on der 1Rohstoffgewinnung bis zur Verschrottung. Unfair spart nämlich 1399 Geld. Der Gedanke\, faire Produkte anzubieten und zu kaufen\, ist inzwis 1400 chen weit verbreitet\, allerdings eher bei Kaffee oder Kleidung. Ein Ang 1401 ebot an fairer IT fehlt. Die Industrie hat sich noch nicht auf den Weg g 1402 emacht\, faire Computer herzustellen. Wir Nutzer haben kaum die Wahl – 1403 verändern können wir aber durchaus etwas. Der Vortrag erklärt\, was 1404 und wie. 1405 SUMMARY:Sind faire Computer möglich? 1406 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1407 END:VEVENT 1408 BEGIN:VEVENT 1409 DURATION:PT0H30M 1410 LOCATION:Saal 6 1411 SEQUENCE:0 1412 URL: 1413 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T143000 1414 1415 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1416 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1417 DESCRIPTION:The lecture would address topics related to reverse engineeri 1418 ng for mobile platforms\, especially from the Android point of view. The 1419 main aspects of the presentation is a new approach to reverse engineeri 1420 ng side effects problem: some low footprint inspection techniques that g 1421 rant analysts with the ability to access the program memory without alte 1422 ring its behavior. One technique is presented in particular - Android se 1423 rvice injection - and is demonstrated. 1424 SUMMARY:Small footprint inspection techniques for Android - Reverse engin 1425 eering on Android platformshabe! 1426 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1427 END:VEVENT 1428 BEGIN:VEVENT 1429 DURATION:PT1H00M 1430 LOCATION:Saal 4 1431 SEQUENCE:0 1432 URL: 1433 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T183000 1434 1435 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1436 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1437 DESCRIPTION:This talk will give an overview on the technology\, the laws 1438 and the technical guidelines of the smartMeter roll-out in Germany. 1439 SUMMARY:SmartMeter - A technological overview of the German roll-out 1440 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1441 END:VEVENT 1442 BEGIN:VEVENT 1443 DURATION:PT1H00M 1444 LOCATION:Saal 4 1445 SEQUENCE:0 1446 URL: 1447 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T113000 1448 1449 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1450 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1451 DESCRIPTION:Forderungen nach einer gerechten Sprache (also einer Sprache 1452 frei von Rassismus\, Sexismus und anderen menschenfeindlichen Ideologien 1453 ) stoßen häufig auf Unverständnis und Ablehnung. Unverständnis\, wei 1454 l statt der sozialen Wirklichkeit die Sprache kritisiert wird\, mit der 1455 sie beschrieben wird. Ablehnung\, weil Sprachkritik häufig als Sprechve 1456 rbot empfunden wird. 1457 SUMMARY:Sprache\, Ungleichheit und Unfreiheit 1458 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1459 END:VEVENT 1460 BEGIN:VEVENT 1461 DURATION:PT0H30M 1462 LOCATION:Saal 6 1463 SEQUENCE:0 1464 URL: 1465 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T124500 1466 1467 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1468 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1469 DESCRIPTION:Stabilitätsanker & Wachstumslokomotive geben als politische 1470 Metaphern ungewollt Auskunft über das Ausmaß der europäischen Wirtsch 1471 afts- und Finanzkrise. Wie kommt so ein Begriff in Verkehr? Wer gebrauch 1472 t ihn? Zu welchem Zweck? Was fördert die Analyse der Metaphern zutage? 1473 SUMMARY:Stabilitätsanker & Wachstumslokomotive 1474 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1475 END:VEVENT 1476 BEGIN:VEVENT 1477 DURATION:PT1H00M 1478 LOCATION:Saal 6 1479 SEQUENCE:0 1480 URL: 1481 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T230000 1482 1483 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1484 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1485 DESCRIPTION:Stylometry uses linguistic information found in a document to 1486 perform authorship recognition. In this talk\, we will present how styl 1487 ometry can be used to deanonymize users in multilingual underground foru 1488 ms. Our initial result shows that in spite of differences in languages a 1489 nd text lengths\, regular stylometric methods perform well in identifyin 1490 g users in this context. We will also present the improved version of An 1491 onymouth\, a tool to anonymize written document\, with user studies. 1492 SUMMARY:Stylometry and Online Underground Markets 1493 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1494 END:VEVENT 1495 BEGIN:VEVENT 1496 DURATION:PT0H30M 1497 LOCATION:Saal 6 1498 SEQUENCE:0 1499 URL: 1500 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T140000 1501 1502 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1503 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1504 DESCRIPTION:Don't call us if your campaign does not work! And worse\, eve 1505 ryone's been harassed or arrested.tet und Teil ! 1506 SUMMARY:Tactical Tech - Bridging the Gap 1507 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1508 END:VEVENT 1509 BEGIN:VEVENT 1510 DURATION:PT0H30M 1511 LOCATION:Saal 6 1512 SEQUENCE:0 1513 URL: 1514 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T124500 1515 1516 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1517 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1518 DESCRIPTION:The Role of Technology in Post-Revolution Tunisia & Egypt: In 1519 ternet activists have embarked on many online projects to empower citize 1520 ns with necessary information about their elected officials. 1521 SUMMARY:Technology in Post-Revolution Tunisia and Egypt 1522 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1523 END:VEVENT 1524 BEGIN:VEVENT 1525 DURATION:PT1H00M 1526 LOCATION:Saal 4 1527 SEQUENCE:0 1528 URL: 1529 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T160000 1530 1531 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1532 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1533 DESCRIPTION:The Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) is omnipresent\; rel 1534 ated OS and library code is run whenever processes are set up and servic 1535 ed (e.g.\, dynamically linked). The loader is the stage manager for ever 1536 y executable. Hardly anyone appreciates the work that the ELF backstage 1537 crew (including the linker and the loader) puts in to make an executable 1538 run smoothly. 1539 SUMMARY:The Care and Feeding of Weird Machines Found in Executable Metada 1540 ta 1541 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1542 END:VEVENT 1543 BEGIN:VEVENT 1544 DURATION:PT1H00M 1545 LOCATION:Saal 4 1546 SEQUENCE:0 1547 URL: 1548 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T214500 1549 1550 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1551 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1552 DESCRIPTION:In the world of digital activism\, distributed denial of serv 1553 ice attacks present relatively low barriers to popular participation\, h 1554 ave a high potential for attracting large numbers of first-time and repe 1555 at participants\, and can attract large amounts of media attention. But 1556 though such actions popular\, are they ethical? In this talk I will be 1557 presenting an ethical framework for the analysis of activist DDOS action 1558 s. The framework is grounded in a historical analysis of various activis 1559 t DDOS actions\, such as the IGC attacks in Spain in the late 90s\, Elec 1560 tronic Disturbance Theater actions in the early 2000s\, and the Anonym 1561 ous-led Operation Payback attacks in 2010. Each historical case study p 1562 resents a unique confluence of technological\, political\, legal and ope 1563 rational factors allowing for a full spectrum of ethical analysis. 1564 SUMMARY:The Ethics of Activist DDOS Actions - A Historical Analysis 1565 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1566 END:VEVENT 1567 BEGIN:VEVENT 1568 DURATION:PT1H00M 1569 LOCATION:Saal 6 1570 SEQUENCE:0 1571 URL: 1572 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T230000 1573 1574 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1575 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1576 DESCRIPTION:Have you ever been staring for nights at binary or hexadecima 1577 l data flows extracted from an USB channel? Don't you remember yourself 1578 searching for some patterns and similarities in this fuc***g mess of zer 1579 os and ones grabbed from a binary configuration file? How long did it ta 1580 ke you to find an 16 bits decimal size field last time you reversed an I 1581 PC communication protocol?Did you know you were not alone and that among 1582 them\, Rob Savoye (@ FOSDEM-08) and Drew Fisher (@ 28C3) have already r 1583 eported the main difficulties of the RE operations. Both of them called 1584 for the creation of a tool which would help experts in their work. 1585 SUMMARY:The future of protocol reversing and simulation applied on ZeroAc 1586 cess botnet - Mapping your enemy Botnet with Netzobou remember ! 1587 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1588 END:VEVENT 1589 BEGIN:VEVENT 1590 DURATION:PT1H00M 1591 LOCATION:Saal 1 1592 SEQUENCE:0 1593 URL: 1594 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T171500 1595 1596 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1597 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1598 DESCRIPTION:The current European data protection directive is from 1995\, 1599 which was when the internet had not hit Brussels' decision-makers yet. 1600 Now\, 17 years later\, it is being completely re-writen. Will it meet th 1601 e challenges of the age of big data? Will it have any effect on non-EU d 1602 ata hoarders? How will it deal with user-generated consent? What is this 1603 strange new "right to be forgotten"? And what about privacy by design? 1604 SUMMARY:The Grand EU Data Protection Reform - A latest battle report by 1605 some key actors from Brusselsbe! 1606 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1607 END:VEVENT 1608 BEGIN:VEVENT 1609 DURATION:PT1H00M 1610 LOCATION:Saal 6 1611 SEQUENCE:0 1612 URL: 1613 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T171500 1614 1615 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1616 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1617 DESCRIPTION:At the very beginning\, Tor was just a socks proxy that prote 1618 cted the origin and/or destination of your TCP flows. Now the broader To 1619 r ecosystem includes a diverse set of projects -- browser extensions to 1620 patch Firefox and Thunderbird's privacy issues\, Tor controller librarie 1621 s to let you interface with the Tor client in your favorite language\, n 1622 etwork scanners to measure relay performance and look for misbehaving ex 1623 it relays\, LiveCDs\, support for the way Android applications expect To 1624 r to behave\, full-network simulators and testing frameworks\, plugins t 1625 o make Tor's traffic look like Skype or other protocols\, and metrics 1626 and measurement tools to keep track of how well everything's working. Ma 1627 ny of these tools aim to be useful beyond Tor: making them modular means 1628 they're reusable for other anonymity and security projects as well. In 1629 this talk\, Roger and Jake will walk you through all the tools that make 1630 up the Tor software world\, and give you a better understanding of whic 1631 h ones need love and how you can help. 1632 SUMMARY:The Tor software ecosystem 1633 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1634 END:VEVENT 1635 BEGIN:VEVENT 1636 DURATION:PT1H00M 1637 LOCATION:Saal 6 1638 SEQUENCE:0 1639 URL: 1640 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121230T140000 1641 1642 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1643 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1644 DESCRIPTION:Galaksija was to be in Yugoslavia what Commodore and Sinclair 1645 were in the west. Whether it succeeded or not\, its deceptively simple 1646 design can still teach us a lot of interesting tricks on how to make a u 1647 sable computer and operating system with as few transistors and bits as 1648 possible. 1649 SUMMARY:The ultimate Galaksija talk - Everything about a Yugoslavian micr 1650 ocomputer halfway between a TRS-80 and a ZX 80\! 1651 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1652 END:VEVENT 1653 BEGIN:VEVENT 1654 DURATION:PT1H00M 1655 LOCATION:Saal 4 1656 SEQUENCE:0 1657 URL: 1658 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T230000 1659 1660 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1661 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1662 DESCRIPTION:In this year’s talk\, I tie on my 28c3 talk and present tim 1663 ing side channels from a defending viewpoint: How can one mitigate timin 1664 g side A{channels? Aren’t random delays sufficient to prevent timing s 1665 ide channels in practice? What is the minimum size of random delays to b 1666 e effective? Are there other delay strategies besides random delays that 1667 are more effective and efficient? 1668 SUMMARY:Time is NOT on your Side - Mitigating Timing Side Channels on the 1669 Web 1670 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1671 END:VEVENT 1672 BEGIN:VEVENT 1673 DURATION:PT1H00M 1674 LOCATION:Saal 1 1675 SEQUENCE:0 1676 URL: 1677 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T140000 1678 1679 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1680 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1681 DESCRIPTION:Wir wissen seit ein paar Jahren\, dass der Staat technisch in 1682 der Lage ist\, die Computer einiger seiner Bürger zu infiltrieren. Abe 1683 r soll er das auch dürfen? Was hat sich in den letzten Monaten beim Sta 1684 atstrojaner getan? 1685 SUMMARY:Trojaner-Blindflug - Spionage-Software von Staats wegen 1686 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1687 END:VEVENT 1688 BEGIN:VEVENT 1689 DURATION:PT0H30M 1690 LOCATION:Saal 6 1691 SEQUENCE:0 1692 URL: 1693 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T124500 1694 1695 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1696 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1697 DESCRIPTION:Hardware-basierte Festplattenvollverschlüsselungen in Form s 1698 ogenannter SEDs (Self-Encrypting Drives) werden gemeinhin als sichere un 1699 d performante Alternative zu Software-basierter Verschlüsselung wie Bit 1700 Locker und TrueCrypt gesehen. Während der Performance-Gewinn und die Be 1701 nutzerfreundlichkeit von SEDs\, bspw. Intel's SSD 320 bzw. SSD 520\, au 1702 er Frage stehen\, ist der Sicherheits-Gewinn deutlich geringer als bish 1703 er angenommen. Teilweise sind Systeme die auf SEDs basieren gar schwäch 1704 er als vergleichbare Systeme die auf Software-Verschlüsselung basieren. 1705 SUMMARY:(Un)Sicherheit Hardware-basierter Festplattenverschlüsselung 1706 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1707 END:VEVENT 1708 BEGIN:VEVENT 1709 DURATION:PT1H00M 1710 LOCATION:Saal 1 1711 SEQUENCE:0 1712 URL: 1713 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T160000 1714 1715 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1716 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1717 DESCRIPTION:Weltbilder der Informatik sind in mancher Hinsicht denen in d 1718 er Hacker- und Hackerinnen-Community nicht unähnlich. 1719 SUMMARY:Was ist\, was kann\, was soll Gender Studies Informatik? 1720 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1721 END:VEVENT 1722 BEGIN:VEVENT 1723 DURATION:PT1H00M 1724 LOCATION:Saal 1 1725 SEQUENCE:0 1726 URL: 1727 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121228T113000 1728 1729 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1730 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1731 DESCRIPTION:In the Free City of Hamburg\, which is one of 16 German state 1732 s\, a coalition of hackers\, activists and other players of civil societ 1733 y have drafted the most revolutionary Freedom of information law in the 1734 world. The law obliges the state to proactively publish all important pu 1735 blic information (such as contracts\, studies\, construction permits) in 1736 an OpenData format on the Internet. After the start of a referendum cam 1737 paign\, the law was passed unanimously by the state parliament in June 2 1738 012 to avoid a public vote on it. 1739 SUMMARY:We are all lawmakers! - How to further transparency by law – th 1740 e Hamburg example and beyond ac! 1741 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1742 END:VEVENT 1743 BEGIN:VEVENT 1744 DURATION:PT1H00M 1745 LOCATION:Saal 6 1746 SEQUENCE:0 1747 URL: 1748 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T160000 1749 1750 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1751 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1752 DESCRIPTION:Accessibility of digital content is a hugely misunderstood is 1753 sue. Programmers and content developers tend to view it as a distraction 1754 or a special interest concern. Accessibility advocates fail to describe 1755 it in terms that would put it in the proper place for other technologis 1756 ts\, in particular security practitioners. 1757 We argue that if a format 1758 or a document has systemic accessibility problems\, then accessibility i 1759 s likely to be the least of its problems\; that accessibility only colla 1760 pses first\, like a canAVary in a mine\, and security is next to follow. 1761 We argue that many accessibility problems\, just like many security pro 1762 blems\, stem from documents being hard to parse or containing executable 1763 content\, and that the accessibility community is only the first to suf 1764 fer\, due to not having the manpower to make extremely complicated forma 1765 ts to almost work almost always. It's an arms race tougher than the secu 1766 rity patching cycle\, made worse by there being no common model for what 1767 accessibility properties should look like. 1768 SUMMARY:What accessibility has to do with security 1769 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1770 END:VEVENT 1771 BEGIN:VEVENT 1772 DURATION:PT1H00M 1773 LOCATION:Saal 6 1774 SEQUENCE:0 1775 URL: 1776 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T203000 1777 1778 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1779 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1780 DESCRIPTION:After the political and legislative failure of the blocking a 1781 nd filtering proposals in Germany (#Zensursula) and the EU (Child Protec 1782 tion Directive) several players stepped up to implement the measures tha 1783 t previously have been envisioned as compulsory but now on a "self-regul 1784 atory" basis. 1785 SUMMARY:White IT\, Clean IT & CEO Coalition - How the government tries to 1786 encourage privatized policy inforcement and thereby bypasses and circum 1787 ventsDi democratic processes 1788 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1789 END:VEVENT 1790 BEGIN:VEVENT 1791 DURATION:PT1H00M 1792 LOCATION:Saal 1 1793 SEQUENCE:0 1794 URL: 1795 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121229T171500 1796 1797 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1798 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1799 DESCRIPTION:This action-packed lecture presents the inner workings of the 1800 author's from-scratch implementation of a USB Mass Storage disk in user 1801 -land Python\, along with some embarrassing bugs in operating systems th 1802 at support such disks. The lecture concludes with an introduction to Ac 1803 tive Antiforensics\, in which a thumbdrive's own firmware can recognize 1804 and defend itself against disk imaging and other forensic tools. 1805 SUMMARY:Writing a Thumbdrive from Scratch - Prototyping Active Disk Antif 1806 orensics 1807 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1808 END:VEVENT 1809 BEGIN:VEVENT 1810 DURATION:PT1H00M 1811 LOCATION:Saal 1 1812 SEQUENCE:0 1813 URL: 1814 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20121227T140000 1815 1816 DTSTAMP:20121226T143018 1817 CATEGORIES:Lecture 1818 DESCRIPTION:Seit anderthalb Jahren begleitet die deutsche 1819 Informationsfreiheit in der Praxis und dokumentiert die Korrespondenz z 1820 wischen Anfragestellenden und Behörden. Welche Informationen gibt der S 1821 taat preis\, und gegen welche Veröffentlichungen kämpft er sogar bis v 1822 or Gericht? Die interessantesten Fälle werden genauer beleuchtet und ei 1823 ne Bewertung zur Lage der staatlichen Information in Deutschland abgegeb 1824 en. 1825 SUMMARY:Zur Lage der Information - 1.5 Jahre 1826 STATUS:CONFIRMED 1827 END:VEVENT 1828 END:VCALENDAR