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unthwack.c (5251B)

      1 #include "u.h"
      2 #include "lib.h"
      3 #include "mem.h"
      4 #include "dat.h"
      5 #include "fns.h"
      7 #include "thwack.h"
      9 enum
     10 {
     11 	DMaxFastLen	= 7,
     12 	DBigLenCode	= 0x3c,		/* minimum code for large lenth encoding */
     13 	DBigLenBits	= 6,
     14 	DBigLenBase	= 1		/* starting items to encode for big lens */
     15 };
     17 static uchar lenval[1 << (DBigLenBits - 1)] =
     18 {
     19 	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     20 	3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
     21 	4, 4, 4, 4,
     22 	5,
     23 	6,
     24 	255,
     25 	255
     26 };
     28 static uchar lenbits[] =
     29 {
     30 	0, 0, 0,
     31 	2, 3, 5, 5,
     32 };
     34 static uchar offbits[16] =
     35 {
     36 	5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 12, 13
     37 };
     39 static ushort offbase[16] =
     40 {
     41 	0, 0x20,
     42 	0x40, 0x60,
     43 	0x80, 0xc0,
     44 	0x100, 0x180,
     45 	0x200, 0x300,
     46 	0x400, 0x600,
     47 	0x800, 0xc00,
     48 	0x1000,
     49 	0x2000
     50 };
     52 void
     53 unthwackinit(Unthwack *ut)
     54 {
     55 	int i;
     57 	memset(ut, 0, sizeof *ut);
     58 	for(i = 0; i < DWinBlocks; i++)
     59 		ut->blocks[i].data = ut->data[i];
     60 }
     62 ulong
     63 unthwackstate(Unthwack *ut, uchar *mask)
     64 {
     65 	ulong bseq, seq;
     66 	int slot, m;
     68 	seq = ~0UL;
     69 	m = 0;
     70 	slot = ut->slot;
     71 	for(;;){
     72 		slot--;
     73 		if(slot < 0)
     74 			slot += DWinBlocks;
     75 		if(slot == ut->slot)
     76 			break;
     77 		if(ut->blocks[slot].maxoff == 0)
     78 			continue;
     79 		bseq = ut->blocks[slot].seq;
     80 		if(seq == ~0UL)
     81 			seq = bseq;
     82 		else if(seq - bseq > MaxSeqMask)
     83 			break;
     84 		else
     85 			m |= 1 << (seq - bseq - 1);
     86 	}
     87 	*mask = m;
     88 	return seq;
     89 }
     91 /*
     92  * insert this block in it's correct sequence number order.
     93  * replace the oldest block, which is always pointed to by ut->slot.
     94  * the encoder doesn't use a history at wraparound,
     95  * so don't worry about that case.
     96  */
     97 static int
     98 unthwackinsert(Unthwack *ut, int len, ulong seq)
     99 {
    100 	uchar *d;
    101 	int slot, tslot;
    103 	tslot = ut->slot;
    104 	for(;;){
    105 		slot = tslot - 1;
    106 		if(slot < 0)
    107 			slot += DWinBlocks;
    108 		if(ut->blocks[slot].seq <= seq || ut->blocks[slot].maxoff == 0)
    109 			break;
    110 		d = ut->blocks[tslot].data;
    111 		ut->blocks[tslot] = ut->blocks[slot];
    112 		ut->blocks[slot].data = d;
    113 		tslot = slot;
    114 	}
    115 	ut->blocks[tslot].seq = seq;
    116 	ut->blocks[tslot].maxoff = len;
    118 	ut->slot++;
    119 	if(ut->slot >= DWinBlocks)
    120 		ut->slot = 0;
    122 	ut->blocks[ut->slot].seq = ~0UL;
    123 	ut->blocks[ut->slot].maxoff = 0;
    125 	return tslot;
    126 }
    128 int
    129 unthwack(Unthwack *ut, uchar *dst, int ndst, uchar *src, int nsrc, ulong seq)
    130 {
    131 	UnthwBlock blocks[CompBlocks], *b, *eblocks;
    132 	uchar *s, *d, *dmax, *smax, lit;
    133 	ulong cmask, cseq, bseq, utbits;
    134 	int i, off, len, bits, slot, use, code, utnbits, overbits, lithist;
    136 	if(nsrc < 4 || nsrc > ThwMaxBlock)
    137 		return -1;
    139 	slot = ut->slot;
    140 	b = blocks;
    141 	*b = ut->blocks[slot];
    142 	d = b->data;
    143 	dmax = d + ndst;
    145 	/*
    146 	 * set up the history blocks
    147 	 */
    148 	cseq = seq - src[0];
    149 	cmask = src[1];
    150 	b++;
    151 	while(cseq != seq && b < blocks + CompBlocks){
    152 		slot--;
    153 		if(slot < 0)
    154 			slot += DWinBlocks;
    155 		if(slot == ut->slot)
    156 			break;
    157 		bseq = ut->blocks[slot].seq;
    158 		if(bseq == cseq){
    159 			*b = ut->blocks[slot];
    160 			b++;
    161 			if(cmask == 0){
    162 				cseq = seq;
    163 				break;
    164 			}
    165 			do{
    166 				bits = cmask & 1;
    167 				cseq--;
    168 				cmask >>= 1;
    169 			}while(!bits);
    170 		}
    171 	}
    172 	eblocks = b;
    173 	if(cseq != seq){
    174 		print("blocks dropped: seq=%ld cseq=%ld %d cmask=%#lx %#x\n", seq, cseq, src[0], cmask, src[1]);
    175 		return -2;
    176 	}
    178 	smax = src + nsrc;
    179 	src += 2;
    180 	utnbits = 0;
    181 	utbits = 0;
    182 	overbits = 0;
    183 	lithist = ~0;
    184 	while(src < smax || utnbits - overbits >= MinDecode){
    185 		while(utnbits <= 24){
    186 			utbits <<= 8;
    187 			if(src < smax)
    188 				utbits |= *src++;
    189 			else
    190 				overbits += 8;
    191 			utnbits += 8;
    192 		}
    194 		/*
    195 		 * literal
    196 		 */
    197 		len = lenval[(utbits >> (utnbits - 5)) & 0x1f];
    198 		if(len == 0){
    199 			if(lithist & 0xf){
    200 				utnbits -= 9;
    201 				lit = (utbits >> utnbits) & 0xff;
    202 				lit &= 255;
    203 			}else{
    204 				utnbits -= 8;
    205 				lit = (utbits >> utnbits) & 0x7f;
    206 				if(lit < 32){
    207 					if(lit < 24){
    208 						utnbits -= 2;
    209 						lit = (lit << 2) | ((utbits >> utnbits) & 3);
    210 					}else{
    211 						utnbits -= 3;
    212 						lit = (lit << 3) | ((utbits >> utnbits) & 7);
    213 					}
    214 					lit = (lit - 64) & 0xff;
    215 				}
    216 			}
    217 			if(d >= dmax)
    218 				return -1;
    219 			*d++ = lit;
    220 			lithist = (lithist << 1) | (lit < 32) | (lit > 127);
    221 			blocks->maxoff++;
    222 			continue;
    223 		}
    225 		/*
    226 		 * length
    227 		 */
    228 		if(len < 255)
    229 			utnbits -= lenbits[len];
    230 		else{
    231 			utnbits -= DBigLenBits;
    232 			code = ((utbits >> utnbits) & ((1 << DBigLenBits) - 1)) - DBigLenCode;
    233 			len = DMaxFastLen;
    234 			use = DBigLenBase;
    235 			bits = (DBigLenBits & 1) ^ 1;
    236 			while(code >= use){
    237 				len += use;
    238 				code -= use;
    239 				code <<= 1;
    240 				utnbits--;
    241 				if(utnbits < 0)
    242 					return -1;
    243 				code |= (utbits >> utnbits) & 1;
    244 				use <<= bits;
    245 				bits ^= 1;
    246 			}
    247 			len += code;
    249 			while(utnbits <= 24){
    250 				utbits <<= 8;
    251 				if(src < smax)
    252 					utbits |= *src++;
    253 				else
    254 					overbits += 8;
    255 				utnbits += 8;
    256 			}
    257 		}
    259 		/*
    260 		 * offset
    261 		 */
    262 		utnbits -= 4;
    263 		bits = (utbits >> utnbits) & 0xf;
    264 		off = offbase[bits];
    265 		bits = offbits[bits];
    267 		utnbits -= bits;
    268 		off |= (utbits >> utnbits) & ((1 << bits) - 1);
    269 		off++;
    271 		b = blocks;
    272 		while(off > b->maxoff){
    273 			off -= b->maxoff;
    274 			b++;
    275 			if(b >= eblocks)
    276 				return -1;
    277 		}
    278 		if(d + len > dmax
    279 		|| (b != blocks && len > off))
    280 			return -1;
    281 		s = b->data + b->maxoff - off;
    282 		blocks->maxoff += len;
    284 		for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
    285 			d[i] = s[i];
    286 		d += len;
    287 	}
    288 	if(utnbits < overbits)
    289 		return -1;
    291 	len = d - blocks->data;
    292 	memmove(dst, blocks->data, len);
    294 	unthwackinsert(ut, len, seq);
    296 	return len;
    297 }