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conf.c (5175B)

      1 #include	"u.h"
      2 #include	"lib.h"
      3 #include	"mem.h"
      4 #include	"dat.h"
      5 #include	"fns.h"
      7 #include	"fs.h"
      9 #include	"conf.h"
     11 #include	"netif.h"
     12 #include	"etherif.h"
     13 #include 	"vether.h"
     15 char	filebuf[BOOTARGSLEN];
     17 static void
     18 addether(char *name, char *value)
     19 {
     20 	char *p, *q;
     21 	int ctlrno;
     23 	ctlrno = atoi(&name[5]);
     24 	if(ctlrno > MaxEther)
     25 		return;
     26 	p = value;
     27 	/* default ea = 00:00:09:00:00:xx */
     28 	memset(ve[ctlrno].ea, 0, 6);
     29 	ve[ctlrno].ea[2] = 9;
     30 	ve[ctlrno].ea[5] = ctlrno;
     31 	while(*p){
     32 		while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
     33 			p++;
     34 		if(*p == '\0')
     35 			break;
     36 		if(strncmp(p, "type=", 5) == 0){
     37 			p += 5;
     38 			if(strncmp(p, "tap", 3) == 0)
     39 				ve[ctlrno].tap = 1;
     40 			else if(strncmp(p, "pcap", 4) == 0)
     41 				ve[ctlrno].tap = 0;
     42 			else
     43 				return;
     44 		}
     45 		else if(strncmp(p, "dev=", 4) == 0){
     46 			p += 4;
     47 			q = p;
     48 			while(*q && *q != ' ' && *q != '\t')
     49 				q++;
     50 			ve[ctlrno].dev = malloc(q - p + 1);
     51 			strncpy(ve[ctlrno].dev, p, q - p);
     52 			ve[ctlrno].dev[q-p] = '\0';
     53 			continue;
     54 		}
     55 		else if(strncmp(p, "ea=", 3) == 0){
     56 			if(parseether(ve[ctlrno].ea, p+3) == -1)
     57 				memset(ve[ctlrno].ea, 0, 6);
     58 		}
     59 		while(*p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t')
     60 			p++;
     61 	}
     62 	nve++;
     63 }
     65 void
     66 setinioptions()
     67 {
     68 	static int i;
     69 	char *name, *value;
     71 	for(; i < MAXCONF; i++){
     72 		if(!inifield[i])
     73 			break;
     74 		name = inifield[i];
     75 		if(*name == '*')
     76 			name++;
     77 		value = strchr(inifield[i], '=');
     78 		if(value == 0)
     79 			continue;
     80 		*value++ = 0;
     81 		if(strcmp(name, "cpulimit") == 0)
     82 			cpulimit = atoi(value);
     83 		else if(strcmp(name, "memsize") == 0)
     84 			memsize = atoi(value);
     85 		else if(strcmp(name, "canopenpath") == 0)
     86 			canopen = value;
     87 		else if(strncmp(name, "ether", 5) == 0)
     88 			addether(name, value);
     89 		else if(strcmp(name, "initarg") == 0)
     90 			initarg = value;
     91 		else if(strcmp(name, "localroot") == 0)
     92 			localroot = value;
     93 		else if(strcmp(name, "user") == 0)
     94 			username = value;
     95 		/* Restore '=' for setinienv and printconfig */
     96 		*(--value) = '=';
     97 	}
     98 }
    100 void
    101 addini(char *buf)
    102 {
    103 	static int n = 0;
    104 	int blankline, incomment, inspace, inquote;
    105 	char *p, *q;
    107 	/*
    108 	 * Strip out '\r', change '\t' -> ' '.
    109 	 * Change runs of spaces into single spaces.
    110 	 * Strip out trailing spaces, blank lines.
    111          * The text between single quotes is not touched.
    112 	 *
    113 	 * We do this before we make the copy so that if we 
    114 	 * need to change the copy, it is already fairly clean.
    115 	 * The main need is in the case when plan9.ini has been
    116 	 * padded with lots of trailing spaces, as is the case 
    117 	 * for those created during a distribution install.
    118 	 */
    119 	p = buf;
    120 	blankline = 1;
    121 	incomment = inquote =inspace = 0;
    122 	for(q = buf; *q; q++){
    123 		if(inquote){
    124 			if(*q == '\'')
    125 				inquote = 0;
    126 			*p++ = *q;
    127 			continue;
    128 		}
    129 		if(!incomment && *q == '\'')
    130 			inquote = 1;
    131 		if(*q == '\r')
    132 			continue;
    133 		if(*q == '\t')
    134 			*q = ' ';
    135 		if(*q == ' '){
    136 			inspace = 1;
    137 			continue;
    138 		}
    139 		if(*q == '\n'){
    140 			if(!blankline){
    141 				if(!incomment)
    142 					*p++ = '\n';
    143 				blankline = 1;
    144 			}
    145 			incomment = inspace = 0;
    146 			continue;
    147 		}
    148 		if(inspace){
    149 			if(!blankline && !incomment)
    150 				*p++ = ' ';
    151 			inspace = 0;
    152 		}
    153 		if(blankline && *q == '#')
    154 			incomment = 1;
    155 		blankline = 0;
    156 		if(!incomment)
    157 			*p++ = *q;	
    158 	}
    159 	*p++ = 0;
    161 	n += gettokens(buf, &inifield[n], MAXCONF-n, "\n");
    162 	setinioptions();
    163 }
    165 int
    166 addinifile(char *file)
    167 {
    168 	static char *fb = filebuf;
    169 	char *buf;
    170 	int n, fd;
    172 	if(strcmp(file, "-") == 0)
    173 		fd = fileno(stdin);
    174 	else if((fd = open(file, OREAD)) < 0)
    175 		return -1;
    177 	buf = fb;
    178 	*buf = 0;
    179 	while((n = read(fd, buf, BOOTARGSLEN-1)) > 0)
    180 		if(n<0)
    181 			return -1;
    182 		else
    183 			buf += n;
    184 	close(fd);
    185 	*buf = 0;
    186 	addini(fb);
    187 	fb = buf;
    188 	return n;
    189 }
    191 char*
    192 fullpath(char *root) {
    193 	char cwd[1024];
    195 	if(root[0] != '/'){
    196 		if(getcwd(cwd, sizeof cwd) == nil)
    197 			panic("getcwd: %r");
    198 		root = cleanname(smprint("%s/%s", cwd, root));
    199 	}
    200 	return root;
    201 }
    203 /*
    204  * Poor man's quotestrdup to avoid needing quote.c
    205  */
    206 char*
    207 quoted(char *in) {
    208 	char *out, *p;
    209 	int i, n;
    211 	n = 0;
    212 	for(i = 0; i < strlen(in); i++)
    213 		if(in[i] == '\'')
    214 			n++;
    215 	out = malloc(strlen(in) + n + 2);
    216 	p = out;
    217 	if(*in != '\'')
    218 	*p++ = '\'';
    219 	for(i = 0; i < strlen(in); i++){
    220 		if(in[i] == '\'')
    221 			*p++ = in[i];
    222 		*p++ = in[i];
    223 	}
    224 	*p++ = '\'';
    225 	*p = 0;
    226 	return out;
    227 }
    229 void
    230 setinienv()
    231 {
    232 	int i;
    233 	char *name, *value;
    235 	for(i = 0; i < MAXCONF; i++){
    236 		if(!inifield[i])
    237 			break;
    238 		name = inifield[i];
    239 		value = strchr(inifield[i], '=');
    240 		if(*name == '*' || value == 0 || value[0] == 0)
    241 			continue;
    242 		*value++ = 0;
    243 		ksetenv(name, value, 0);
    244 	}
    245 	if(initarg){
    246 		if(*initarg != '\'')
    247 			initarg = quoted(initarg);
    248 		value = smprint("/386/init -t %s", initarg);
    249 		ksetenv("init", value, 0);
    250 	}
    251 	if(localroot){
    252 		value = smprint("local!#Z%s", fullpath(localroot));
    253 		ksetenv("nobootprompt", value, 0);
    254 	}
    255 	ksetenv("user", username, 0);
    256 }
    258 /*
    259  * Debugging: tell user what options we guessed.
    260 */
    261 void
    262 printconfig(char *argv0){
    263 	int i;
    265 	print(argv0);
    266 	if(usetty)
    267 		print(" -%c", nogui ? 'g' : 't');
    268 	print(" \n");
    269 	for(i = 0; i < MAXCONF; i++){
    270 		if(!inifield[i])
    271 			break;
    272 		print("\t%s\n", inifield[i]);
    273 	}
    274 	if(initarg)
    275 		print("\tinit=/386/init -t %s\n", initarg);
    276 	if(localroot)
    277 		print("\tnobootprompt=#Z%s\n", localroot);
    278 	print("\tuser=%s\n", username);
    279 }