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ellipse.c (4754B)

      1 #include "u.h"
      2 #include "lib.h"
      3 #include "draw.h"
      4 #include "memdraw.h"
      5 #include "memlayer.h"
      7 /*
      8  * ellipse(dst, c, a, b, t, src, sp)
      9  *   draws an ellipse centered at c with semiaxes a,b>=0
     10  *   and semithickness t>=0, or filled if t<0.  point sp
     11  *   in src maps to c in dst
     12  *
     13  *   very thick skinny ellipses are brushed with circles (slow)
     14  *   others are approximated by filling between 2 ellipses
     15  *   criterion for very thick when b<a: t/b > 0.5*x/(1-x)
     16  *   where x = b/a
     17  */
     19 typedef struct Param	Param;
     20 typedef struct State	State;
     22 static	void	bellipse(int, State*, Param*);
     23 static	void	erect(int, int, int, int, Param*);
     24 static	void	eline(int, int, int, int, Param*);
     26 struct Param {
     27 	Memimage	*dst;
     28 	Memimage	*src;
     29 	Point			c;
     30 	int			t;
     31 	Point			sp;
     32 	Memimage	*disc;
     33 	int			op;
     34 };
     36 /*
     37  * denote residual error by e(x,y) = b^2*x^2 + a^2*y^2 - a^2*b^2
     38  * e(x,y) = 0 on ellipse, e(x,y) < 0 inside, e(x,y) > 0 outside
     39  */
     41 struct State {
     42 	int	a;
     43 	int	x;
     44 	vlong	a2;	/* a^2 */
     45 	vlong	b2;	/* b^2 */
     46 	vlong	b2x;	/* b^2 * x */
     47 	vlong	a2y;	/* a^2 * y */
     48 	vlong	c1;
     49 	vlong	c2;	/* test criteria */
     50 	vlong	ee;	/* ee = e(x+1/2,y-1/2) - (a^2+b^2)/4 */
     51 	vlong	dxe;
     52 	vlong	dye;
     53 	vlong	d2xe;
     54 	vlong	d2ye;
     55 };
     57 static
     58 State*
     59 newstate(State *s, int a, int b)
     60 {
     61 	s->x = 0;
     62 	s->a = a;
     63 	s->a2 = (vlong)(a*a);
     64 	s->b2 = (vlong)(b*b);
     65 	s->b2x = (vlong)0;
     66 	s->a2y = s->a2*(vlong)b;
     67 	s->c1 = -((s->a2>>2) + (vlong)(a&1) + s->b2);
     68 	s->c2 = -((s->b2>>2) + (vlong)(b&1));
     69 	s->ee = -s->a2y;
     70 	s->dxe = (vlong)0;
     71 	s->dye = s->ee<<1;
     72 	s->d2xe = s->b2<<1;
     73 	s->d2ye = s->a2<<1;
     74 	return s;
     75 }
     77 /*
     78  * return x coord of rightmost pixel on next scan line
     79  */
     80 static
     81 int
     82 step(State *s)
     83 {
     84 	while(s->x < s->a) {
     85 		if(s->ee+s->b2x <= s->c1 ||	/* e(x+1,y-1/2) <= 0 */
     86 		   s->ee+s->a2y <= s->c2) {	/* e(x+1/2,y) <= 0 (rare) */
     87 			s->dxe += s->d2xe;	  
     88 			s->ee += s->dxe;	  
     89 			s->b2x += s->b2;
     90 			s->x++;	  
     91 			continue;
     92 		}
     93 		s->dye += s->d2ye;	  
     94 		s->ee += s->dye;	  
     95 		s->a2y -= s->a2;
     96 		if(s->ee-s->a2y <= s->c2) {	/* e(x+1/2,y-1) <= 0 */
     97 			s->dxe += s->d2xe;	  
     98 			s->ee += s->dxe;	  
     99 			s->b2x += s->b2;
    100 			return s->x++;
    101 		}
    102 		break;
    103 	}
    104 	return s->x;	  
    105 }
    107 void
    108 memellipse(Memimage *dst, Point c, int a, int b, int t, Memimage *src, Point sp, int op)
    109 {
    110 	State in, out;
    111 	int y, inb, inx, outx, u;
    112 	Param p;
    114 	if(a < 0)
    115 		a = -a;
    116 	if(b < 0)
    117 		b = -b;
    118 	p.dst = dst;
    119 	p.src = src;
    120 	p.c = c;
    121 	p.t = t;
    122 	p.sp = subpt(sp, c);
    123 	p.disc = nil;
    124 	p.op = op;
    126 	u = (t<<1)*(a-b);
    127 	if((b<a && u>b)*b || (a<b && -u>a)*a) {
    128 /*	if(b<a&&(t<<1)>b*b/a || a<b&&(t<<1)>a*a/b)	# very thick */
    129 		bellipse(b, newstate(&in, a, b), &p);
    130 		return;
    131 	}
    133 	if(t < 0) {
    134 		inb = -1;
    135 		newstate(&out, a, y = b);
    136 	} else {	
    137 		inb = b - t;
    138 		newstate(&out, a+t, y = b+t);
    139 	}
    140 	if(t > 0)
    141 		newstate(&in, a-t, inb);
    142 	else
    143 		memset(&in, 0, sizeof in);
    144 	inx = 0;
    145 	for( ; y>=0; y--) {
    146 		outx = step(&out);
    147 		if(y > inb) {
    148 			erect(-outx, y, outx, y, &p);
    149 			if(y != 0)
    150 				erect(-outx, -y, outx, -y, &p);
    151 			continue;
    152 		}
    153 		if(t > 0) {
    154 			inx = step(&in);
    155 			if(y == inb)
    156 				inx = 0;
    157 		} else if(inx > outx)
    158 			inx = outx;
    159 		erect(inx, y, outx, y, &p);
    160 		if(y != 0)
    161 			erect(inx, -y, outx, -y, &p);
    162 		erect(-outx, y, -inx, y, &p);
    163 		if(y != 0)
    164 			erect(-outx, -y, -inx, -y, &p);
    165 		inx = outx + 1;
    166 	}
    167 }
    169 static Point p00 = {0, 0};
    171 /*
    172  * a brushed ellipse
    173  */
    174 static
    175 void
    176 bellipse(int y, State *s, Param *p)
    177 {
    178 	int t, ox, oy, x, nx;
    180 	t = p->t;
    181 	p->disc = allocmemimage(Rect(-t,-t,t+1,t+1), GREY1);
    182 	if(p->disc == nil)
    183 		return;
    184 	memfillcolor(p->disc, DTransparent);
    185 	memellipse(p->disc, p00, t, t, -1, memopaque, p00, p->op);
    186 	oy = y;
    187 	ox = 0;
    188 	nx = x = step(s);
    189 	do {
    190 		while(nx==x && y-->0)
    191 			nx = step(s);
    192 		y++;
    193 		eline(-x,-oy,-ox, -y, p);
    194 		eline(ox,-oy,  x, -y, p);
    195 		eline(-x,  y,-ox, oy, p);
    196 		eline(ox,  y,  x, oy, p);
    197 		ox = x+1;
    198 		x = nx;
    199 		y--;
    200 		oy = y;
    201 	} while(oy > 0);
    202 }
    204 /*
    205  * a rectangle with closed (not half-open) coordinates expressed
    206  * relative to the center of the ellipse
    207  */
    208 static
    209 void
    210 erect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Param *p)
    211 {
    212 	Rectangle r;
    214 	r = Rect(p->c.x+x0, p->c.y+y0, p->c.x+x1+1, p->c.y+y1+1);
    215 	memdraw(p->dst, r, p->src, addpt(p->sp, r.min), memopaque, p00, p->op);
    216 }
    218 /*
    219  * a brushed point similarly specified
    220  */
    221 static
    222 void
    223 epoint(int x, int y, Param *p)
    224 {
    225 	Point p0;
    226 	Rectangle r;
    228 	p0 = Pt(p->c.x+x, p->c.y+y);
    229 	r = Rpt(addpt(p0, p->disc->r.min), addpt(p0, p->disc->r.max));
    230 	memdraw(p->dst, r, p->src, addpt(p->sp, r.min), p->disc, p->disc->r.min, p->op);
    231 }
    233 /* 
    234  * a brushed horizontal or vertical line similarly specified
    235  */
    236 static
    237 void
    238 eline(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Param *p)
    239 {
    240 	if(x1 > x0+1)
    241 		erect(x0+1, y0-p->t, x1-1, y1+p->t, p);
    242 	else if(y1 > y0+1)
    243 		erect(x0-p->t, y0+1, x1+p->t, y1-1, p);
    244 	epoint(x0, y0, p);
    245 	if(x1-x0 || y1-y0)
    246 		epoint(x1, y1, p);
    247 }