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mergedep.pl (2331B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/perl
      2 # Copyright 2003 Bryan Ford
      3 # Distributed under the GNU General Public License.
      4 #
      5 # Usage: mergedep <main-depfile> [<new-depfiles> ...]
      6 #
      7 # This script merges the contents of all <new-depfiles> specified
      8 # on the command line into the single file <main-depfile>,
      9 # which may or may not previously exist.
     10 # Dependencies in the <new-depfiles> will override
     11 # any existing dependencies for the same targets in <main-depfile>.
     12 # The <new-depfiles> are deleted after <main-depfile> is updated.
     13 #
     14 # The <new-depfiles> are typically generated by GCC with the -MD option,
     15 # and the <main-depfile> is typically included from a Makefile,
     16 # as shown here for GNU 'make':
     17 #
     18 #	.deps: $(wildcard *.d)
     19 #		perl mergedep $@ $^
     20 #	-include .deps
     21 #
     22 # This script properly handles multiple dependencies per <new-depfile>,
     23 # including dependencies having no target,
     24 # so it is compatible with GCC3's -MP option.
     25 #
     27 sub readdeps {
     28 	my $filename = shift;
     30 	open(DEPFILE, $filename) or return 0;
     31 	while (<DEPFILE>) {
     32 		if (/([^:]*):([^\\:]*)([\\]?)$/) {
     33 			my $target = $1;
     34 			my $deplines = $2;
     35 			my $slash = $3;
     36 			while ($slash ne '') {
     37 				$_ = <DEPFILE>;
     38 				defined($_) or die
     39 					"Unterminated dependency in $filename";
     40 				/(^[ \t][^\\]*)([\\]?)$/ or die
     41 					"Bad continuation line in $filename";
     42 				$deplines = "$deplines\\\n$1";
     43 				$slash = $2;
     44 			}
     45 			#print "DEPENDENCY [[$target]]: [[$deplines]]\n";
     46 			$dephash{$target} = $deplines;
     47 		} elsif (/^[#]?[ \t]*$/) {
     48 			# ignore blank lines and comments
     49 		} else {
     50 			die "Bad dependency line in $filename: $_";
     51 		}
     52 	}
     53 	close DEPFILE;
     54 	return 1;
     55 }
     58 if ($#ARGV < 0) {
     59 	print "Usage: mergedep <main-depfile> [<new-depfiles> ..]\n";
     60 	exit(1);
     61 }
     63 %dephash = ();
     65 # Read the main dependency file
     66 $maindeps = $ARGV[0];
     67 readdeps($maindeps);
     69 # Read and merge in the new dependency files
     70 foreach $i (1 .. $#ARGV) {
     71 	readdeps($ARGV[$i]) or die "Can't open $ARGV[$i]";
     72 }
     74 # Update the main dependency file
     75 open(DEPFILE, ">$maindeps.tmp") or die "Can't open output file $maindeps.tmp";
     76 foreach $target (keys %dephash) {
     77 	print DEPFILE "$target:$dephash{$target}";
     78 }
     79 close DEPFILE;
     80 rename("$maindeps.tmp", "$maindeps") or die "Can't overwrite $maindeps";
     82 # Finally, delete the new dependency files
     83 foreach $i (1 .. $#ARGV) {
     84 	unlink($ARGV[$i]) or print "Error removing $ARGV[$i]\n";
     85 }