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libvxc_dat.h (4188B)

      1 // Must keep in sync with ../libvxc/include
      3 #include <sys/types.h>
      4 #include <stdint.h>
      6 #define VXC_MAXNAMLEN 255
      8 // DO NOT USE "long" in this file - it needs to behave same on 32 and 64-bit.
      9 #define long __no_long_here_thanks
     11 typedef int32_t		vxc_ssize_t;
     13 typedef int32_t		vxc_mode_t;
     14 typedef int32_t		vxc_off_t;
     15 typedef uint32_t	vxc_dev_t;
     16 typedef uint32_t	vxc_ino_t;
     17 typedef int32_t		vxc_nlink_t;
     18 typedef int32_t		vxc_blksize_t;
     19 typedef int32_t		vxc_blkcnt_t;
     21 typedef int32_t		vxc_id_t;
     22 typedef int32_t		vxc_pid_t; // XXX where else is this getting defined?
     23 typedef int32_t		vxc_uid_t;
     24 typedef int32_t		vxc_gid_t;
     26 typedef int32_t		vxc_time_t;
     27 typedef int32_t		vxc_clock_t;
     28 typedef int32_t		vxc_suseconds_t;
     31 struct vxc_dirent {
     32 	uint32_t d_fileno;
     33 	uint16_t d_reclen;
     34 	uint8_t d_type;
     35 	uint8_t d_namlen;
     36 	char	d_name[VXC_MAXNAMLEN + 1];
     37 };
     39 struct vxc_tm {
     40 	int    tm_sec;
     41 	int    tm_min;
     42 	int    tm_hour;
     43 	int    tm_mday;
     44 	int    tm_mon;
     45 	int    tm_year;
     46 	int    tm_wday;
     47 	int    tm_yday;
     48 	int    tm_isdst;
     49 };
     51 struct vxc_utimbuf {
     52 	vxc_time_t actime;
     53 	vxc_time_t modtime;
     54 }; 
     56 struct vxc_timeval {
     57 	vxc_time_t		tv_sec;		// Seconds
     58 	vxc_suseconds_t	tv_usec;	// Microseconds
     59 };
     61 struct vxc_itimerval {
     62 	struct vxc_timeval	it_interval;	// Timer interval
     63 	struct vxc_timeval	it_value;	// Current value
     64 };
     66 struct vxc_stat
     67 {
     68 	vxc_dev_t	dev;		// Device ID of device containing file. 
     69 	vxc_ino_t	ino;		// File serial number. 
     70 	vxc_mode_t	mode;	// Mode of file.
     71 	vxc_nlink_t	nlink;	// Number of hard links to the file. 
     72 	vxc_uid_t	uid;		// User ID of file. 
     73 	vxc_gid_t	gid;		// Group ID of file. 
     74 	vxc_dev_t	rdev;	// Device ID for device special file.
     75 	vxc_blksize_t blksize;	// Size of blocks in this file
     76 	vxc_blkcnt_t blocks;	// Number of blocks allocated for this file
     77 	vxc_off_t	size;	// File size in bytes.
     78 	vxc_time_t	atime;	// Time of last access. 
     79 	vxc_time_t	mtime;	// Time of last data modification. 
     80 	vxc_time_t	ctime;	// Time of last status change. 
     81 };
     84 // File mode bits - matching vx/env.h
     85 #define VXC_S_IFMT		070000		// File type bit mask
     86 #define VXC_S_IFNULL	000000		// Unused inode
     87 #define VXC_S_IFREG		010000		// Regular file
     88 #define VXC_S_IFDIR		020000		// Directory
     89 #define VXC_S_IFLNK		030000		// Symbolic link
     90 #define VXC_S_IFSOCK	040000		// Socket
     91 #define VXC_S_IFIFO		050000		// FIFO
     92 #define VXC_S_IFBLK		060000		// Block device
     93 #define VXC_S_IFCHR		070000		// Character device
     95 #define VXC_S_ISREG(m)	(((m) & VXC_S_IFMT) == VXC_S_IFREG)
     96 #define VXC_S_ISDIR(m)	(((m) & VXC_S_IFMT) == VXC_S_IFDIR)
     97 #define VXC_S_ISLNK(m)	(((m) & VXC_S_IFMT) == VXC_S_IFLNK)
     98 #define VXC_S_ISSOCK(m)	(((m) & VXC_S_IFMT) == VXC_S_IFSOCK)
     99 #define VXC_S_ISFIFO(m)	(((m) & VXC_S_IFMT) == VXC_S_IFIFO)
    100 #define VXC_S_ISBLK(m)	(((m) & VXC_S_IFMT) == VXC_S_IFBLK)
    101 #define VXC_S_ISCHR(m)	(((m) & VXC_S_IFMT) == VXC_S_IFCHR)
    103 #define VXC_S_ISUID		004000
    104 #define VXC_S_ISGID		002000
    105 #define VXC_S_ISVTX		001000
    107 #define VXC_S_IRWXU		000700
    108 #define VXC_S_IRUSR		000400
    109 #define VXC_S_IWUSR		000200
    110 #define VXC_S_IXUSR		000100
    112 #define VXC_S_IRWXG		000070
    113 #define VXC_S_IRGRP		000040
    114 #define VXC_S_IWGRP		000020
    115 #define VXC_S_IXGRP		000010
    117 #define VXC_S_IRWXO		000007
    118 #define VXC_S_IROTH		000004
    119 #define VXC_S_IWOTH		000002
    120 #define VXC_S_IXOTH		000001
    122 // File access modes
    123 #define VXC_O_ACCMODE	0x03	// Mask for file access modes.
    124 #define VXC_O_RDONLY	0x00	// Open for reading only.
    125 #define VXC_O_WRONLY	0x01	// Open for writing only. 
    126 #define VXC_O_RDWR		0x02	// Open for reading and writing.
    128 // File creation flags
    129 #define VXC_O_CREAT		0x10	// Create file if it does not exist.
    130 #define VXC_O_EXCL		0x20	// Exclusive use flag.
    131 #define VXC_O_NOCTTY	0x40	// Do not assign controlling terminal.
    132 #define VXC_O_TRUNC		0x80	// Truncate flag. 
    134 // File access flags
    135 #define VXC_O_APPEND	0x100	// Set append mode.
    136 #define VXC_O_NONBLOCK	0x200	// Non-blocking mode.
    137 #define VXC_O_SYNC		0x400	// Synchronous I/O.
    139 // Fcntl args
    140 #define	VXC_F_DUPFD		0
    141 #define	VXC_F_GETFD		1
    142 #define	VXC_F_SETFD		2
    143 #define	VXC_F_GETFL		3
    144 #define	VXC_F_SETFL		4
    145 // #define	VXC_F_GETLK		7
    146 // #define	VXC_F_SETLK		8
    147 // #define	VXC_F_SETLKW	9
    149 #define	VXC_FD_CLOEXEC	1