
A small C-based gopherd. (gopher://
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gph.vim (2615B)

      1 " Syntax colouring for gopher .gph files used by geomyidae
      2 " Muddled about a bit by dive @ freenode / #gopherproject
      3 " 2017-11-15
      5 set shiftwidth=4
      6 set tabstop=4
      7 set noexpandtab
      9 if version < 600
     10   syntax clear
     11 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
     12   finish
     13 endif
     15 " Use default terminal colours
     16 hi Normal ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
     18 " Use italics for comments. If this fails and you get reverse video
     19 " then you may want to comment it out.
     20 hi Comment cterm=italic
     22 " Err colour (not sure about this one. It's a bit bright).
     23 hi Err cterm=bold ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=130 guibg=NONE guifg=red
     25 hi def link gopherComment           comment
     26 hi def link gopherType              preproc
     27 hi def link gopherURL               statement
     28 hi def link gopherHtml              statement
     29 hi def link gopherLink              statement
     30 hi def link gopherServerPort        statement
     31 hi def link gopherBracket           preproc
     32 hi def link gopherPipe              preproc
     33 hi def link gopherCGI               type
     34 hi def link gopherCGI2              type
     35 hi def link gopherQuery             type
     36 hi def link gopherErr               err
     37 hi def link SynError                error
     39 " Format of lines:
     40 "   [<type>|<desc>|<path>|<host>|<port>]
     42 "<desc> = description of gopher item. Most printable characters should work.
     43 "
     44 "<path> = full path to gopher item (base value is "/" ). Use the "Err" path for
     45 "items not intended to be served.
     46 "
     47 "<host> = hostname or IP hosting the gopher item. Must be resolvable for the
     48 "intended clients. If this is set to "server" , the server's hostname is used.
     49 "
     50 "<port> = TCP port number (usually 70) If this is set to "port" , the default
     51 "port of the server is used.
     53 " Comments
     54 syn region  gopherComment   start="<!--"   end="-->"
     56 " URLs
     57 syn match   gopherURL   "http:"
     58 syn region  gopherLink  start="http:"lc=5 end="|"me=e-1
     59 syn match   gopherURL   "gopher:"
     60 syn match   gopherURL   "URL:"
     61 syn match   gopherURL   "URI:"
     62 syn region  gopherLink  start="gopher:"lc=7 end="|"me=e-1
     64 " Pipes
     65 syn match gopherPipe "|" containedin=gopherServerPort
     67 " Queries and CGI
     68 syn match gopherQuery "^\[7"lc=1
     69 syn match gopherCGI "|[^|]*\.cgi[^|]*"lc=1
     70 syn match gopherCGI2 "|[^|]*\.dcgi[^|]*"lc=1
     72 " Server|Port
     73 syn match gopherServerPort "|[^|]*|[^|]*]"
     75 " Start and end brackets
     76 match gopherBracket "[\[\]]"
     78 " Entity
     79 syn region  gopherType  start="^\[[0123456789ghHmswITi\+:;<PcMd\*\.]"lc=1 end="|" oneline
     81 " HTML and networking
     82 syn match gopherHtml "^\[[hHw8]"lc=1
     84 " Text comments beginning with 't'
     85 syn match gopherComment "^t"
     87 " Err
     88 syn match gopherErr "Err"
     89 syn match gopherErr "^\[3"lc=1